Do you run?

Looking for like minded MFP friends. I've completed my weightloss journey and now starting the next chapter in my life. I want to run a half marathon this year. I currently run 4 to 5 miles during the work week and an 8 to 10 on the weekend. Would appreciate advise and motivation from experienced runners and others like me on a similar journey. Please add me.


  • mhealea
    mhealea Posts: 56 Member
    sounds like you are doing great on the mileage for the week and weekend. how many days a week are you running? with the way you are training 13.1 miles should be a piece of cake..
  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    I run daily during the workweek if weather permits. Ill add a long run Saturday or Sunday depending on my schedule. So far my longest nonstop run is 10 miles.
  • mhealea
    mhealea Posts: 56 Member
    you sound like me.. I try to run at least 4 to 5 miles a day and same thing on the weekends. I have completed four half marathon since last year and two tough mudders and looking to do a full marathon next year. what your pace? do you seem to struggle at any part of the run?
  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    My 4 to 5 mile runs are about 8.10 to 8.25. My 10 mile runs are about 9.30 to 9.40. Honestly im not sure if that good or not. here is a litthe history on me....sorry. I started running in June of last year to help increase my weight-loss. Ive lost 130 lbs since March of 2015 and now im just maintaining. I guess i would consider myself an advanced novice??