Your most intense pain ever?



  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    I've had 3 babies with no medication, the smallest one was induced and it hurt the most, but the worst pain, a kidney stone the size of a pea, stuck in my ureter. Had to drive myself to the emergency room, then spent the entire time in the bathroom throwing up from the pain. Never knew how bad the roads were in this town until that day, every bump felt like certain death. Big stones are so much worse than labor, I'd have all my kids twice and back to back over another large stone. Smaller stones hurt like hell, but labor wins over that pain.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Spinal headaches. I got them after my second c-section. I had to lay down at all times otherwise I would get too nauseous and vomit. Also, if I was not laying down, I would have excruciating pain in my back, neck, the base of my skull, and all the way to the front. It was horrible. I had to lay down on frozen water bottles to get any kind of comfort and that lasted for about a week, maybe a few days longer.
  • bahbahox
    bahbahox Posts: 10 Member
    Being punched in the stomach after a laparascopy, Ouch!
  • chalaivy
    chalaivy Posts: 101 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    Prolonged dry socket.

    ugh +1. While in florida over thanksgiving holiday. Sooo depressing and sad
  • bahbahox
    bahbahox Posts: 10 Member
    bahbahox wrote: »
    Being punched in the stomach after a laparascopy, Ouch!

    The whole two weeks after the laparascopy itself was pretty horrific I ended up with an infection in the liming of my stomach somehow
  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    Got hit by a dirtbike when I was 6, was about an hr away from gangrene. Couldnt have a graft surgery then because I was too young. Had to redress/bandage my leg every day for 2 years until I had grown enough to be able to have a successful skin graft. I don't want to try to explain what it was like because it would be useless.

    Fun times :)

    It's strange that the couldn't do your skin grafts at 6yo. The reason I said that is I was hit by a car when I was 6 and it tore up the front of my leg and foot. I was already going to give this story as the most pain I have every had. The redress/bandage of my leg and foot every day was the most intense excruciating pain. You are right it is almost useless to try to explain, 49 years later it is still seared in my brain.

    That said I only had to endure it for 28 days until they did skin grafts. I wonder why they had to wait for you to grow up. I will say this, I did have to have 3 different skin grafts at 6, 7 and 9yo for it to finally be completely successful. However I would gladly go through even more skin grafts than go though the redress/bandage during all that time.
    I think it also had to do with the healing window itself for the injury. It was rough, like I said it needed to be redressed almost every day for 2 years.

  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    I dislocated my hip years ago. That didn't hurt. Getting it set didn't hurt. When I'm running or working/walking and it slides out of place a tad will put me on the ground gasping and bracing for my world to end.
  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    Kvm11628 wrote: »
    Watching Little League 6-year-old pitch baseball.

    I actually LOL'd at this, as much as I miss my boys being young! I do not miss doubleheaders during the week!
  • aprilkorn
    aprilkorn Posts: 26 Member
    The nurse kept pushing my leg back while I was giving natural birth and managed to dislocate my hip, it was excruciating, thankfully I passed out. I sued and got fat check though but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
  • Dannigreen31
    Dannigreen31 Posts: 557 Member
    Wow reading these stories makes me thankful I'm my 30 yrs of life iv never had bad bad pain..Prob dislocating my shoulder a few times when I was young but even that wasn't excruciating
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited May 2016
    Let's see...

    I've had a horse flip over backwards on my causing my to land back first on a trailer hitch
    I've dislocated my right shoulder multiple times
    I've torn the rotator cuff in said shoulder
    I've torn a meniscus in my right knee
    I've had toes broken and a toenail dislodged by 2000 pound horses stepping on me.
    I've slammed my thumb in a car door resulting in the loss of the nail.
    I've had numerous 2'nd degree burns from working around hot cooking equipment.
    And menstrual cramps that had me vomiting and unable to move for 24 hours.
    I've had nerve techniques applied to my body by fellow martial artists including a 6th dan in aikido.

    All of those were nothing compared to kidney stones.
  • JessicaJS23
    JessicaJS23 Posts: 1,863 Member
    I've given birth twice .. Once via emergency c section.. Fallen down stairs.. Gotten in car wrecks but nothing is as painful as reading the "singles hangout" thread :p
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    Gall stones!! Was puking green acid all over non stop. Had my gall bladder removed. Nicked my pancreas removing it. Ended up with Acute Pancreatitis. That is a blast! Kept puking... NG Tube...allergic reaction to formula...TPN! The worst may have been after the second surgery ( 10 weeks later when pancreatic cyst the size of a grapefruit had a rind and they could remove it) when they gave me Oxy to see if I could do oral pain meds. I had visual hallucinations and could not stop laughing. Painful Belly Laughs for almost 4 hours, three days after abdominal surgery.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Slipped on the ice, with my leg at a weird angle, knew it was bad before I hit the ground screaming, but managed to avoid concussion. Ambulance people pushed my head down when I tried to look at the ankle. When I saw the initial xrays several weeks later - it was an ugly mess with the foot at an impossible angle. Both tibia and fibula broken and displaced, part of the heelbone cracked off. Two plates, around 12 screws. Three days after the operation, pain was even worse.

    Previous injuries, arm broken in two places, terrible pain, but since I didn't know it was broken - I walked around for 2 days before getting a cast.

    Other ankle broken, single clean crack - but since I didn't think it was broken I took a taxi to hospital. They couldn't understand how I was able to walk in.
  • Thisnameischosen
    Thisnameischosen Posts: 2,770 Member
    edited May 2016
    Trapped wind. Seriously. I was in an ambulance and everything it was so bad, I thought I was dying.
  • Jayco141
    Jayco141 Posts: 221 Member
    Fell off a 12 foot fence, arm hit a large Tree stump and snapped my wrist in half. Arm was totally distorted. This not the bad part... Went to Hospital where doctor decided to re-set the wrist without putting me under.
    I had 4 nurses holding me down and the screams were heard all over the building.

    (The nurses holding me down I didn't even appreciate!)
  • jamesrandel81
    jamesrandel81 Posts: 38 Member
    Fractured my L4and L5 in car wreck in 05 woke next day no filling in my legs and felt like some one was cutting me in. Half
  • mikenunnally
    mikenunnally Posts: 19 Member
    Shattered ankle... :s Two surgeries later with plates and screws. I'm good now or best I can be.. Lol
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    *warning, some gore*

    I had jaw surgery, very swollen face and so out of it on my way home. I'd had tubes pulling out the bloody run off, and they told me when I was released that my last dose of morphine had been during my sleepy recovery and I should take my opioid prescription on the way home. But I couldn't communicate at all, and just didn't feel ready to deal with the syringe and tubing to deliver it. I got home with my mom and a nurse, and within moments of walking in the door I needed to vomit. It was a combo of drugs, the pain setting in, and the blood in my stomach. It was like the shinning. I was shaking so hard from the pressure of my jaws trying to open against the banding (they don't wire jaws anymore, but they did tightly seal with many rubber bands), and the panic of having to vomit with a closed jaw was too much and the pain was blinding, trying to tell the nurse to cut the bands was so difficult but my mom finally figured it out and snapped them for me. Immediate release of pressure and no more anesthesia made me vomit again and I passed right out. While I was out the nurse took good care of me and when I woke I took the medicine but holy cow, I hope to never feel that again.

    A close second was an endometrial biopsy. I can't think about it too much without refeeling that deep deep sharp pain.
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    I snapped my tibia in half skateboarding. That hurt a lot. For a month straight.