First time mom looking to get fit

Hello all! First time mom here, trying to get in shape for my son. He just turned one and I didn't really realize how much weight I had gained until he started running around and I realized how tired I am all the time! Just moved into a new community that has an awesome gym and lap pools and I'm excited to get in shape! I'm only 5'2" so I can't really afford to put on any pounds! Time to lose 80 pounds!!


  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm a first time mom and my daughter just turned one as well! Sounds like we have similar goals too. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Arwen1218
    Arwen1218 Posts: 118 Member
    I have 3 youngest is 2 and I'm looking to loose about 30 more lbs. I could use some more friends so feel free to add me