need advice

So Im new to this place and was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Im trying to lose weight just like everyone else and I love to eat so im in a hard spot... Thanks all!


  • marybethbeech
    I LOVE to eat too! The Hungry Girl website has lots of reduced calorie versions of my favorite food. I look for recipes there a lot. Another thing I do is try to find low calorie munchies so I can eat without feeling guilty. The best thing I've found for that is 100 calorie packs of popcorn. It's a TON of popcorn, enough to last an hour of watching TV, which is when I do most of my mindless munching.

    Good luck!
  • Thick80
    Thick80 Posts: 29 Member
    The best advice I can give you is to drink LOTS of water. It helps so much. Next, switch things up day to day or every few days. Don't do the same exercises and eat the same food all the time. Keep your calories in your weight loss range but try to have different totals. Lastly, don't deprive yourself of the things you love. I have found this leads to falling off the wagon. Work those little treats in for yourself. Good luck, you can do it!!
  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    The best thing is to find what works for you. I still think about food a lot, but in a more controlled way... through keeping track on this site, I find my desire to eat is slightly curbed by having to post it in my diary and see how much I've consumed!

    Also, look for lower cal alternatives. Things as simple as switching out your bread can have a huge impact. I went from any random whole grain bread (avg. 70-110 calories per slice!) to the Pepperidge Farm light style brand that has 40-45 cal per slice!

    Good luck!
  • saralanden08
    Thanks I will definetley look that website up. I like to eat when Im bored which is mostly at work. i work behind a desk all day and im not always busy so when im bored and get tired of the computer and internet, I go straight to the kitchen! And I love popcorn!