Looking for some new motivated friends!



  • queeniepcollins
    queeniepcollins Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking for motivational friends as well. I've switched over to healthier eating (most of the time) and strength training about a year ago. I just added pilates 3 times a week. I will add an hour of callanetics beginning next week to bring total exercise hours to 10 hours each week. I'm ready to shred some pounds!
  • norcalbeezy
    norcalbeezy Posts: 220 Member
    HAHAHAH RIGHT!!!! I'm hoping I look good enoug to pull off something borderline :laugh: :wink:
    thanks ladies :)
    I'm ready to look dead sexy (Naked :P)
    and Halloween is right around the corner!

    Looking slutty on Halloween is always a good motivator for me ;)

    Although this year, I may go out of my comfort zone and actually be fully dressed.
  • whitleynoel
    whitleynoel Posts: 198 Member
    I had fallen out of the MFP swing for a while and am trying to get back into it so feel free to add me! I always love more friends :drinker:
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    Anyone can add me, I'm always looking for new friends that are active MFP users. :smile:
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Oo! Oo! Pick me! Pick me! Sending out FRs to a bunch of folks right now but if I miss you please add me! Would love to motivate/be motivated - we got this folks!! :-)
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    How do you guys add your weight loss ticker in your reply?? I cant figure it out! LOL

    Click on Message boards and then settings (which is between My Topics and Search) and you can check mark the box to include your ticker with your posts. :smile:
  • SusanKKO
    SusanKKO Posts: 45 Member
    I do the same thing...lose weight and look pretty good and then fall back into bad habits little by little and then get frustrated and it just gets worse. I believe that it is possible to succeed long term and I'm going to keep trying until I do. Join me! :smile:
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    I too am looking for new friends to offer support and give support to!~
    Please add me to your friends.
  • jasoncbackus
    jasoncbackus Posts: 131 Member
    In for motivational friends as well! Feel free to add me!
  • L_Stradford
    L_Stradford Posts: 156 Member
    The same thing happened to me. I lost 36 pounds last November and then gained 40 back by May.

    Back on the band wagon though.

    I will support you!
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    Yes it is definitely possible! Takes a lot of dedication and I know i need to stop making excuses for my binging... i have to learn to tell myself NO. One cheat meal does not constitute a full cheat day or a full cheat weekend. No if, ands or buts about it!! I need to repeat that over and over again... hopefully it catches in my head and makes it easier to stay on track!! Good luck!! I know it's possible... we just need to stay motivated!!!!
  • norcalbeezy
    norcalbeezy Posts: 220 Member
    Back again, and looking for some new friends! Time to kick this 40lbs. to the curb...permanently. :D
  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    Feel free to add me! My diary is open to everyone I'm friends with so we can keep each other accountable, and I log every day. I also post motivating stuff and try to encourage all my friends on here every day, too and am always willing to message back and forth or even text if you like to do that to check in with each other :) I always do well for a while and then backslide, so I'm really motivated this time to make it a lifestyle and not just a fad diet or something temporary!