Back on Track

Hey everyone,
I have managed to go from 190lbs to 125lbs back in 2010 since then I have gained weight on and off. Right now I´m at 152 but cant seem to have the same drive I had when I got to 125. I got a fitbit but cant seem to get enough steps .
Any tips con reaching step goals ?



  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    Today is day one. That's what u have to tell ur self. Once u start u will gain momentum. My best way to get motivated is to find a new health hobby. This year, I'm super into growing my own vegetables and diving into the clean, produce heavy diet. Health and wellness podcasts, blogs and books are always good for motivation too!
  • mallygirl420
    mallygirl420 Posts: 66 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm in the same boat! Went from 180 to 135 in 2012 and am up to 147. I wanted to get even leaner than what I was at my best.

    For me, Working out isn't my issue. I'm a pretty regular gym rat. It's what I eat that gets me. I'm an emotional eater and I binge every now and then.

    So, I've been planning my meals pretty religiously. I made sure to tell all of my friends my goals so they support me. I have to tell our parents "no" to going out and eating dessert or table rolls. My primary goal is to stay on track during the week without getting too outside of my calorie goals. I don't drink as much now - I keep it to less than three very low cal drinks about one night a week if I do. Vodka waters with citrus, vodka and diet ginger beer, a Manhattan, one glass of Cab.

    I'm learning to cheat in moderation. That's the hardest. I'm also trying to set small goals - like a couple of lbs at a time or trying to top how many days I can go without eating a whole pizza or pint of ice cream.

    I agree about trying new healthy hobbies. I've been trying to cook a lot (I recommend Thug Kitchen and the Oh She Glows cook books!) and I've been making sure to keep hydrated (I love infusing my water with fruit, cucumber or mint), I try to eat enough vitamins and aim for my macros - I see it like little challenges along the way. Small feats to accomplish.

    I also find when I really need motivation that getting new workout gear motivates me - even if it's something small, like a cute headband. I love the Ivy Park line and Trina Turk pants at Nordstrom Rack.

    Have you found anything that's worked for you?
  • dicelachele1985
    dicelachele1985 Posts: 3 Member
    So I started going to a dietician that got me from 166.2 to those 152, she has changed my diet every month so I dont plateu but I keep having issues during the afternoon. I tend to grab snacks and then go crazy on a snack binge. I also find that when I cheat I keep cheating the entire day since I tend to think I already messed up.
    I changed work outs and now I enrolled to this kettlebell gym and its a lot more tough than going to the gym on your own. I also bring a zip lock bag (sandwich size) filled with carrot sticks. My dietian says you can go eat carrot sticks, celery and sugar free jello anytime I feel I'm hungry .

    I work for a snack company similar tu Frito Lay and it makes it way more difficult to be on track
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I find having a vivofit to be really motivating in and of itself in terms of hitting my step goal. When the end of the is approaching and I am lagging behind I just find a way - check the mail, take out the trash, hop on the treadmill for a few extra minutes even if it is just slow walking with a book. Do chores, etc. Seeing the little red bar just drives me nuts....