What the hell do I eat?



  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    There are some really good grocery lists for budgets on this site just search for them. I buy a lot of my meat on sale at Safeway usually 50% off because it's close to expiration and then just freeze it. Eggs are great and eat what you can afford. Lots of frozen/canned veggies will stretch your dollars as well!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Ok y'all I'm confused. I just want to lose weight but there are SO many diets and rules out there. Here are my stats:

    5' 2"
    37% body fat
    Poor - I spend about $50/week for 2 adults. Thankfully my husband is on board to eat whatever I do.

    I've lost 7lbs by dropping sweet drinks and cutting carbs. I'm still so confused though. How many carbs is too many? Is diet soda ok? What sugar substitute won't give you cancer? How the hell do I function on 1200 calories? Am I going to hell because my eggs aren't free range?! IDK!!!

    The only rule you need to pay attention to is eat less calories than you burn.
    You lose weight if you have a calorie deficit. You can have a deficit through cutting your intake or by burning more calories through exercise or both. Set your goal to 1 lb per week instead of 2 lbs per week and you will probably get more than 1200 calories for your goal. Eat the calories MFP tells you. Eat a portion of calories you earn from exercise.

    What kind of food you eat is really personal preference. Some find it easier to eat low carb or something but they lose weight because of calories. You don't have to eat organic or "clean". You should try to get enough protein and fats because your body needs these to function well and they can help you to feel more satisfied. Eating vegetables and fruits is good because of vitamins, fiber, water content and they are generally low calorie. Water is inexpensive and no calories. Diet soda won't harm you unless you have a sensitivity to an ingredient in it. Everything gives you cancer if you read enough on the internet.

    Eggs, dried beans, lentils, canned beans, tuna, chicken thighs or whole chicken, oatmeal, potatoes, carrots, onion, spinach, peanut butter, bread are good basic filling foods.
    http://www.budgetbytes.com has tasty cost conscious recipes.

    I eat pretty much all the same foods just appropriate portions for my goal. I drink water or unsweetened tea usually and save my calories for food. I use regular sugar and real butter. You don't have to completely change what you eat just the amounts.