Looking for friends with all types of goals

Hi, guys!
I've recently lost about 30 lbs and am now where I want to be as far as fat loss.

I've run my first two 5Ks in the past two weeks and am training to cut my time down for my third one in June. 27:21 is my fastest so far.

I'm also embarking on a strength training journey. A friend of mine is working on a study at a local college using the Bod Pod; measuring body composition before and after. He has asked me to be one of his lab rats!


  • Chrisseex3
    Chrisseex3 Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me if you like!
  • JourneyToWorlds
    JourneyToWorlds Posts: 38 Member
    I'd MFP friends too! I have a bad back injury/ongoing chronic pain - between surgery, drugs, depression, and inability to exercise I gained a LOT of weight....ready to lose it and take control back - please add me!!