calorie counting and maintaining weight

okay so here it goes. i need your guy help once again. so to maintain my current weight, myfitnesspal says i need 1660 calorie intake each day. with exercise i burn up to 245 everyday through power walking which adds on to that of course. im usually satisfied by like 1400 and if im not hungry then im not going to force myself to eat. but to GAIN A HALF OF POUND id need to eat 1900 something everyday. (not that i want to, just a part of the question coming up). i want to stop counting because i think it can be stressful sometimes but in a way i want to keep counting. (just to maintain my current weight). anyways heres the question, could i eat over 1660 calories maybe say like 1700-1800 without gaining weight? like i said previously, id need to eat some where in 1900 to gain. but i dont want to gain. just seeing how far u i could actually go. thank you guys in advance!


  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    if mfp says 1660 to maintain and you burn 245 then 1905 cals will be your maintainance level (as you should eat back exercise cals according to pretty much everyone on here)
    if you want to stop logging though, i'd say just log the days where you notice you've eaten either a lot more or a lot less than usual - i've been on here long enough and eat similar things each day to know when i've eaten more than usual.
    then maybe log the occasional 'average' day to see how it's looking and weigh yourself every couple of weeks. if you're losing, up the cals, if you gain, start logging more regularly.

    hope that helps at all - if not, do a search on the messageboards of 'maintain after weight loss' as i'm sure people must have posted much more scientific reasoning than me!