Autoimmune Paleo Protocol (Eczema & alopecia)



  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    Bumping, would love to make friends with more people following the same diet if possible! Figured there would be more people on the paleo diet lol
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    I have psoriasis, which is an autoimmune condition. But I am perfectly clear now through dietary and lifestyle practices.

    How does the Paleo diet control autoimmune conditions? I've never looked into this. But if people have had success I'd like to read about how and why.

    For me, I just focus on getting sunshine (and Vit D supplementation), exercise, and staying upbeat. With regards to diet I eat plenty of produce, hit all my micros, pay extra attn to omega-3, and that's pretty much it.

  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    I have psoriasis, which is an autoimmune condition. But I am perfectly clear now through dietary and lifestyle practices.

    How does the Paleo diet control autoimmune conditions? I've never looked into this. But if people have had success I'd like to read about how and why.

    For me, I just focus on getting sunshine (and Vit D supplementation), exercise, and staying upbeat. With regards to diet I eat plenty of produce, hit all my micros, pay extra attn to omega-3, and that's pretty much it. This blog does a little bit of explaining. Glad you found the way to help your psoriasis!
  • ThriverNinikins
    ThriverNinikins Posts: 1 Member
    So I was just told today by my doctor that he suspects an autoimmune disorder but no diagnosis so far. Does anyone have any good websites that explain paleo in a nutshell? TIA!
  • Gianfranco_R
    Gianfranco_R Posts: 1,297 Member
    Behxo wrote: »
    Bumping, would love to make friends with more people following the same diet if possible! Figured there would be more people on the paleo diet lol

    try here:
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    bvoyles80 wrote: »
    I suffer from hashimotos (my body attacks my thyroid, sending me into hypothyroid and letting my body attack other parts too.) About a year ago, I decided to give AIP a try because I was fed up with feeling terrible and just gaining more and more weight.
    Like you, I have read and read, so much joined groups... read more.
    Anyway- I decided to give it 30 days to start.... anyone can do that, right?? It was hard, but the changes I started seeing were great. My daily headaches are now gone. My energy is better. My moods are MUCH more stable (my boyfriend will gladly verify that!). Lots of good things that happened. oh- and the scale finally started moving for me!!
    Since then, I have backed off some and now have a smaller list of foods I avoid. But AIP is a great place to start. I probably need to go back to it and re-evaluate what my body is reacting to, but I am still much better than I was.
    You can do it!!

    I've had eczema forever, so I'm interested in this approach. I've read through some of the links here, and these strategies have multiple approaches around diet, stress control, sleep, etc. did you take an elimination approach, eg deal first with stress or diet, or did you go all in?
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    Ws2016 wrote: »

    I've had eczema forever, so I'm interested in this approach. I've read through some of the links here, and these strategies have multiple approaches around diet, stress control, sleep, etc. did you take an elimination approach, eg deal first with stress or diet, or did you go all in?

    I was already eating relatively healthy for a few years so it was pretty easy for me to just dive right in start the elimination diet. Of course, with me when it comes to health I become a power horse and have the will power to just go through with it lol feel free to add me though, I keep an open diary!