SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk ofJune 28

Really? June 28th? Yikes.

Just starting the thread...


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    I cannot believe that these are the last few days of June. Cannot. believe. In fact, I can't believe it's not still March or April. Why is it that the older I get, the faster the time goes?

    today is my blitz shopping/food prep day. My freezer is empty of everything but a bunch of stock, so that's a good success in my "eat the food that's in the house first" challenge. Goals for today/the week is/are to make food for the rest of the week, drink my water (this makes a huge difference in how I feel/my bloatitude), get a vegetable and a protein in at every meal, take my vits, and go to boxing. Also, today is the day (honest!) that I make a plan of final attack for the next major academic project. I'm a bit tired just typing all of that, but I will suck it up and just do it.

    "suck it up and just do it" is my current mantra. Sometimes it involves more profanity than that.:wink:

    I hope the sunshine stays around today, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I can not believe it's almost July either. How did that happen? It does go faster as we get older. I don't know why. But I am not complaining that July is almost here. The sooner September gets here the better. :smile: I hope good news awaits us in September as well as cooler weather.
    Not feeling like working out today although I do feel better physically. This cycle has just been a hard one in all areas. I'm ready to move on. I didn't post yesterday because I was in a foul mood. But I am better today.
    I have to make cookies at some point for a lunch tomorrow. I'm putting it off as long as I can because I won't eat as many if they aren't made. I may make them in the morning. Doing laundry and got Alex's hair cut, so my to do list is getting done. All that's left is working out and push ups. Doing week 3 over again. Hope I make it through.
    Did I tell you that we are still having rat problems? Yeah. Trying to figure out why there's not closure on most things in my life right now. Not that I can figure it out. DH and I are also going through a serious case of indecisiveness. It's bad. We are both still hurting so bad about how the adoption has turned out that we are having a hard time getting back on our feet and making decisions. I had no idea it would effect us like this.
    Anyway, that's my news. Better get ready to work out.
    Thankful for a north wind boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Aw,'s just you and me. I know Mary's gone...but where's everybody else? I'm so mad your rats are is sort of symbolic of how your stress is just gnawing away at you, no? You think it's gone, and then it's back...stupid rats. I hate them for you. We had an issue a few summer ago with bugs, and it was so stressful.

    Yesterday I did most of my goals. Most. I "percolated" some more on the academic thing. Oof. I'm in a brain slump, and I need to yank myself out of it somehow. Also, in an effort to stick to this semi new eating plan (mostly it's just the timing of eating that's new, although my carbs percentage is slightly lower) I made my food diary public. Eep. Maybe I'm less likely to succumb to the potato chips if everybody is watching.:laugh:

    Today is a.m. zumba and then some chores at home and then an appointment downtown and then (maybe) yoga at the gym. I felt really good after yoga the last time I went, so that might be incentive. Also, the house is too quiet now. When my husband goes on the road, it's always nice and sort of restful for two days, and on the third day, it gets lonely. This is a sort-of long one, too. I wish I'd gone with him (I could have, but thought I'd make better use of my time).:ohwell:

    Anyways, lonely town boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Sorry your lonely V. I'm still here. :heart: Not that it helps much around the house. lol. I hope you get all your stuff done today.:flowerforyou: And thanks for feeling sorry and mad for me about that rats. It made me feel better. :wink:

    I am going to try not to say much. I'm still not feeling well, therefore I'm not in the best mood. It's been raining which is great but for some reason it has given me headaches and back/neck aches and a stuffy nose. I have been having things happen to me that typically don't happen. Stress maybe?
    I weigh the highest I've weighed in about 3 years? I've gained 6 pounds since I started working out again. I don't understand how I can eat the same, or even a little better, than I did 4 months ago and I'm working out now and I'm gaining weight. Even my clothes are tighter. I want to quit but DH said I had to stick it out till September. Why till then I don't know but I agreed. I am going to try to log food today. I do it for about two days and then quit. I really hate it. Have I told you that before? :tongue: The 1st through the 5th might be difficult eating because of my birthday and the holiday but I will do my best. My friend who started the challenge on FB started a new one for July: whoever loses the most weight in July gets two tickets to the movie theater of their choice. I'll try to do it but I haven't lost a single thing in months.
    Sorry I've done nothing but complain the last several days. I just need to get over myself.
    Didn't post goals for today: getting over myself, going to a luncheon thing, working out, and logging food.

    Getting over it boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi guys... I'm still here! Just still really busy and struggling with my job. My boss is not providing much guidance in regards to my transition, and it is giving me anxiety attacks. I don't want to walk away leaving things a mess... which is why I'm still at work. I guess letting go is not exactly my strong suit. :ohwell:

    I totally feel like I have lost track of the past several months, too. It's ridiculous. July?!?! What happened to May? Or April, for that matter? MM, so sorry about the rats. Keep up with the workouts, you know they are good for you even when the scale is being a pain. I hate logging food, too, though. I wonder now how I managed it for so long when I lost most of my weight.

    Anyway, I posted my goals on Sunday, but I'll reiterate: do my ankle stretching and strengthening exercises every day, no desserts or soda this week, and show my face in the gym at least once. I think that's enough for now. My husband's birthday is on Friday and I haven't planned anything yet! Ack! :embarassed:

    Quiet boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm still here!

    Sorry for my continued absence! I've been dogsitting at my sister's, also known as The Land of Processed Food. UGH! Her fridge, freezer and cabinets are crammed full and not a fresh vegetable or fruit in sight. I need to do a full shop tomorrow like Viv so I can have some good choices here. Even the popcorn is Extra Butter Movie Style.

    I also got my wood floors put into my apartment so that was a pretty epic endeavour involving boxing up and moving everything out of my place, and then two full days of putting them in. But they look amazing!

    Today was a wash -- played hooky with the boyfriend and we went to a natural hot springs for the day and then had a picnic with strawberries, grapes, olives, warm bread, brie and champagne. I'm really happy that I stayed in control and stuck to the fruit and olives mostly (even though it meant going over my sugar).

    Tomorrow will be a 20 minute workout during the day -- I'll probably check out for some inspiration -- then a swim at night.

    Oh, and I'm interviewing for a job as the Vice President of Programming for Bravo. How weird would THAT be?? I'd be in charge of helping to decide what their upcoming shows and slate will be.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, Wandering...good luck on that interviewing. And, that day doesn't sound like a wash, it sounds all kinds of perfect.

    CP, I think I might be your sister in the whole "letting go" thing. I hate change more than anything, especially when I find a way to have (usually imagined) feelings of guilt like I'm abandoning people. You're not abandoning anybody, you just went and found a most likely better situation for yourself. Also, I still feel like it should be February...the tempus, it do fugit.

    MM, you know those workouts help with your mood and mindset. I know mine do. Now get to moving! (there...that's my loving drill sergeant voice.)

    Bobbie, where'd you go? Mary, come back. (I think she's back tomorrow...I've lost track.)

    Today the plans are: an appointment with the scale of doom at the gym. (I've been reading articles on how inaccurate those scales are as concerns body fat all morning to steel myself). Then, later, my favourite weight class followed by my least favourite Zumba class. I'll probably take my weighted gloves to wear at Zumba, which might tell lady to step it up, or if nothing else, will give me a higher calorie burn. Also, to stick to my new eating plan. It's actually not hard, but it takes more planning than my "eat whatever" plan. My fridge hasn't been this full of fruits and vegetables in a long, long time. It was hard yesterday when a group of teens were eating a big order of french fries on the subway (enclosed spaces and food smells, it's just rude, but it happens all the time) and I wanted to mug them.:tongue: I'm still trying to stay intuitive with it, but develop some more nutrient-filled habits, and to eat more in general so I can get up to my small deficit calorie goal. This feels like a ton of food, with exercise yesterday, I was supposed to hit 2400ish calories. (also, my food diary is now public to friends if you're curious) I didn't make it, but I do, however, since I'm doing the "mini-meal five-six times a day" thing, feel like eating is my new job...but I'm never hungry, and that's sort of fun...and I got my first bit of encouragement about it today because.....

    I lost a pound! And, it was THE pound...the one that finally brought me back into the 140s, aka what I've been trying to get to since last October when I weighed myself and cried and cried and cried. 149, sisters! Pretty much my current dream weight is 145, so I'm inching towards it...but, I also tell myself that it isn't just about the scale. I've also lost a total of three inches since that October face facts encounter with the measurement tools, so...progress. Hey, eating right and exercising works...spread the word. I'm finally starting to feel like my backslide is over, and I'm back in the groove. That took forever, so I'm grateful.

    In the groove, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hi ladies. Kind of a short post as I am posting from my phone. Excuse any weird words as my phone likes to replace them. :)

    WL hope interviewing goes well. Sounds like a great opportunity!
    Mary we miss you!
    V congrats on being back in the 140's! And on your inches lost! You work hard, you deserve it!
    CP my friend, hang in there! You are almost there!
    Yesterday was an unplanned day off. The ladies lunch wasn't over until 4. Did t get much done. I will work out today and I have to get a grocery let made. Tomorrow Steve is taking me out to dinner for my b-day and another friend wants to do something tomorrow with me. And Friday night another friend wants to go out. I am blessed with friends. :) then there's the busy weekend! So I may not start logging until next week and I will exercise when I can squeeze it in. I am going to try to get back to healthier eating at home. Less processed foods and more fruits and veggies.
    Hope this post is spell checked ok. :P
    Have a great day!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Also, new blog boogaloo.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Meant to say to CP, hang in there. I've been there many many times, where you have one foot out the door and are stressed about what you are leaving behind and what is coming up soon. Luckily there is a time limit on your situation and new opportunities around the corner.

    Viv, that is SO great! I'm going to take a peek at your food diary. I can't help it; I like looking at everyone's!!!! I'm such a lurker. LOL
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    update: today the s.o.d. (scale of doom) is my friend. I submit the following to you knowing that these numbers may or may not be entirely accurate, but this is the measurement tool I'm currently using.

    3/27 stats: / today's stats:

    weight: 153.9 / 154.1 (I know...wait for it)
    muscle mass: 57.2 lbs / 61.3
    body fat: 49.7 lbs / 43.7

    body fat %: 32.3 / 28.4

    The s.o.d used to say I needed to lose 18.5 lbs. Today is still wants me to lose 10 (of fat). I still want to lose just 5 more and see what happens.

    Also, I lost centimetres everywhere except the chest, where I've gained over an inch (due to my super-cool "boxer's wings"/lats). And, my BMR went from 1391 to 1451.

    :drinker: pass the protein shake, please.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning!
    Busy day today! I hope I feel better today. I've had headaches all week. :frown:
    Going to the store this morning, meeting friends for lunch, hopefully working out this afternoon, cleaning and laundry, then going out to dinner with friends again!
    Have you guys tried a high fiber diet to help with weight loss? DH told me one of his friends is taking fiber supplements and has lost 7 pounds in a month. Dh thinks I should do it. I don't think supplementing with fiber would be a bad idea because our diet is not high in fiber. So I might get some at the store and try it out. Whether I lose weight or not (hey nothing else seems to be working) it would be good to keep my system cleaned out.
    I guess I'd better get to it. Lots to do!
    Fun day boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    More fibre couldn't hurt, but make sure you're drinking plenty of extra water with it...I aim for about 35 g a day in my diet, and I make it most days right now. (as long as I keep up with my goal of a fruit or vegetable with every meal.) I find that fibre supplements don't do the, um, job as well as high fibre food, but that's just me.

    Today, it's housework (just finished) and then (like now!) I'm off to the gym for a spin bike session. I was looking for my weighted gloves and came across my spin shoes. They looked lonely (there was actual dust). Other than that, I'm headed downtown later to hear some music and hopefully not get arrested:tongue: (there's an anti police brutality protest rally going on down the street at the same time). I may wear my American passport as jewelry.:laugh:

    Also, my husband comes home from the road tonight! Yay! One of his audiences had 2500 people in it (not for him, but for the guy he's playing with.) Rave reviews, specifically for my husband, described in the Montreal press as "Msr, K
    , un Americain du Toronto something something french super du jazz(or something in correct french that meant he was really good) !". So proud.:heart: The guy he's been playing with is a brilliant Blues/Roots musician/songwriter named Harry Manx. If you like that sort of thing, all of his music is on his website, and my husband is playing piano on the album "Bread and Buddha." I would love the music even if my husband wasn't on the record.

    How's the interview/transition process going, CP/Wandering? I got an email from the choir people that they "have one more person to interview, who is in Europe until July 15th." Blergh. At least it wasn't "we don't want you, go away!".

    Happy Canada Day, boogaloo.:flowerforyou: (where is that maple leaf smiley?):wink:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hello All!

    Viv, congratulations to your hubby!! That is amazing. Going in search of the album now...I'm always looking for new music and can't wait to hear it. PS was so happy to hear about your Scale of Doom good news!

    MM, hope you are feeling better! I'm curious to hear about the fiber as well and if it jumpstarts anything.

    Yesterday I had my interview as Head of Programming for Bravo and let's just say it was NOT my finest moment. I was 35 minutes late as it took 2 hours to get from Santa Monica to Burbank. Then I managed to say (by accident) that I never watch TV. It's the truth, having been gone for almost 6 months of the year, but it's certainly not what the network executives want to hear. Then I mistook one of Bravo's shows about supermodels for some other network's show about supermodels. It is kinda funny when you think about that it's over. :)

    I was very proud of myself for not going out and having a few glasses of wine to take the edge off. Instead I met my BF and had a club soda and he let me rant for a bit.

    Today I have another interview about the real-life Hurt Locker. It would mean embedding with the soldiers in Afghanistan. Yikes.

    Okay, onward...after my interview I'm heading to the gym. I haven't worked out for two days so I'm excited to kick some butt today. Lately I've been doing versions of short cardio and strength intervals until I burn 500 calories. I'm thinking today will be "100's" -- 100 jumprope skips alternating with 100 reps of strength moves.

    July 1 Boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone! These weeks get away from me. Can't believe it is already Thursday. Been working on work stuff this week. Filed some stuff at the courthouse today. Had lunch with a friend. Back home again. Boys are doing a lot of day time sleeping. Heading up to Wilmington, NC to see my mom over the weekend. Staying at the beach. Should have a good view of fireworks.:drinker:

    Also, watching a lot of Wimbledon. Lots of upsets this year. Serena playing now.

    I've enjoyed reading everyones' posts. Hope the rats and the new job get better!

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    MM, I'm in favor of fiber of the vegetal variety - dunno about anything else. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :love:
    V, 4 pounds of muscle gain? That's downright amazing - go, you! :drinker:
    WL, oof. Sorry your Bravo interview didn't go well. :ohwell: Do you really want to go to Afghanistan?
    Bobbie, nice to see you - enjoy the holiday!
    Mary, welcome back!

    I still have a ridiculous amount of work that I want to get done, and next week is going to be crazy - I've been working for the past several weeks to get an environment ready for these people coming in next week, AND I'm also going to be trying to do knowledge transfer to an outside consultant coming in next week, AND I still have documentation to write AND it's a short week anyway. Eek! My good friend made me promise not to work over the weekend but I don't know if I can manage not to... do you think I have a problem?

    Doing well on my ankle stretches/exercises. I feel like maybe it's improving - but it's hard to say for sure. I think I'll stick with this for another good week and then try a short (one mile is what the therapist suggested) run/walk and see how I do.

    How the heck is it July, boogaloo?!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Thanks, CP - must have seen my post of FB. Learning to let go is a witch.
    WL - your courage (lack of fear?) never ceases to amaze me.
    MM - Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: - enjoy yourself! And stop beating yourself up! When I was logging, I got around 45-55 grams of fiber a day. That's vegetarianism for you.
    V - love the title of the album
    Bobbie - post more often! :wink:

    I came back yesterday afternoon. I don't know how many of you have ever spent over 2 hours doing breathing exercises. I've decided I don't like them at all. Kinda make me anxious. This isn't "listening to your breath" mediation type - this is very focused breathing. That was Thursday morning. The rest of the workshop was good though. My brain felt so full. It's going to take awhile to process all the information. I still haven't planned a class for this morning either. May get a little messy (brain full of ideas, no sequence = messy class). Hurricane Alex made it rain everyday but one - it was so humid my sheets felt wet. Today the temp is going to hit 83, with a heat index of 99 - that's New Orleans humid. Did make it to the nature preserve the first day - it was extra cool. I liked Boerne a lot. Can't wait for the next workshop!

    Oh, my dear husband nearly got his foot behind his head in the weekend workshop (there were two different workshops I attended). It was awesome.

    I got invited to one of my yoga teacher's bridal shower. I barely know her - so I'm both flattered and confused. I don't consider myself a shy person. I have a really hard time talking to people I don't know though. It's not that I'm afraid to talk to them, I just don't know what to say. I've been to two yoga pot lucks, and I sat in the corner a bit at both of them. I would much rather listen to what other people have to say. Even though this post seems to indicate otherwise. :laugh:

    So today - teach yoga, walk. It will be nice to walk again.

    Brain full, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, I'm the same way about meeting new people. I'd rather sit and listen, and that's what I usually do, even with people I know. :laugh:
    V, loving the great things that are happening for you!
    CP, just do what is before you, one day at a time. It will all fall into place. I do hope you are seeing improvement with your ankle!
    WL, I will try the fiber stuff on Monday, and I've heard it's slow going so I may not see a difference for about a month. A friend also told me to eat strawberries at every meal and it would have about the same effect.
    Bobbie, I agree with Mary. You need to post more! :wink:

    I had an awesome day yesterday! Totally awesome. I haven't had a day like that in forever! I still had a headache pretty much all day but thankfully it wasn't as bad as the day before. Had lunch with a friend, then had samples of some really good frozen yogurt. That's what I need are samples. Just the right amount! DH came home with a new laptop for me! Has four times the hard drive space and it's fast! He's had it for a week at work! I don't know how he kept it a secret. I would have given it to him the first day! I'm still trying to get used to it because the setup is different. Then we went out to dinner with friends and that was great. Then I got home and found out that I won the work out challenge I had been doing on FB! So I get a $20 gift card! I'm buying some Nike running shoes with that and my birthday money! I really needed a good day like that. It's been a long time waiting for that.
    Today I need to clean house, the entire house. If I have energy left over I will work out. Wednesday I barely made it through 30 minutes of upper body. I've been low energy lately, so I hope I can work out. Tonight I am going out with a friend. Not sure what we are doing yet. Tomorrow we may be going out of town for the day. It's going to be a busy weekend!
    I guess that's it.
    Happy happy joy joy boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs!

    Mary, I hate breathing exercises, too. They always seem forced and not in my breathing rhythm. Also, I disagree with the breathe in, now hold it, breathe out. I am opposed to suspension of breathing. Don't even get me started on "breath of fire", which I call "hyperventilation." I have a few breathing exercises I do with voice students that are radically different from yoga breathing exercises, so that might just be what I'm used to.

    Went out last night, and was pleased with how food selection/portion control went. I went to a bar and ordered a vegetable plate with my red wine, and was satisfied. Then, we went to Indian food and shared everything. I had a little bit of everything. The only thing that wasn't completely guilt-free was the huge hunk of paratha I had with my vindaloo. It was Canada Day, and everyone was out on the street and smiley. Such a welcome change from the madness of this past weekend.

    Today, I'm playing hooky from everything and hanging out with my husband. The day will probably involve some walking and just general lolly-gagging. are a warrior woman. I could hardly watch the film "The Hurt Locker" and breathe at the same time.

    Lolly-gag, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, Everyone!

    Went to Zumba this morning. Fun class! I made a suggestiont that the Y add another Zumba 8 a.m. class on Tuesdays. I'm sure they would have lots of people go. The Friday morning class is very full.

    Trying to figure out what to do today. There's one file I want to work on, but the next court date isn't until October. I know the client wants to see some work now. I need to do a will and and living will for my sister. I should get that done because I will see her again this weekend, and it would be nice to hand it to her. She's also going through a divorce and her divorce lawyer isn't returning her phone calls, which is causing her a lot of stress. So, at least getting this done for her would help out in one area. I also need to do something with the boys so they don't lay around the house all day. I could take them bowling, or we could go to a movie. They want to see the new Avatar movie. I'm kind of thinking of saving that until this weekend in case it is rainy, then we would have something to do at the beach.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
