Blending & Juicing

taoistpunk Posts: 57 Member
Two years ago I managed to begin a regimen using MFP and my fitbit, and I managed to lose over 70lbs...but it's back. So now I'm off to start again, and hopefully make the weight change a more permanent fixture. This time around I've decided to use a combination of Blending and Juicing to my daily diet plan, building in repetitive habits to my breakfast and dinner routines, as well as to increase the number of Fruits and veggies I get daily. While keeping under my calorie allotment and a workout routine worked well last time, I know I struggled with getting enough plant material and nutrition into my daily diet.

Wondering if anyone else is using on, the other, or more specifically BOTH of these methods during their journey, and if so, how has it been going? Tips and suggestions?

BTW: Nutribullet gets my blend on, and the Breville Juice Fountain Plus is my juicer of choice (for now)