When's the best time to eat?????



  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    I eat breakfast before I go to work. (Mid to late morning on my day off)
    I eat lunch on my lunch break ,might skip lunch depending on how late breakfast was and how active I am for the day.
    I have a small snack after work aka late lunch on my day off
    I eat dinner around 4:30-5:00 pm
    I have a second snack in the evening.

    Essentially I find that eating on a schedule is helpful. Waiting until I am hungry to make a meal, for me, is going to make me more likely to over eat since then I get more hungry during the preparation process and am much more likely to make the choice for a higher calorie quicker meal over a well planned healthier meal. Also it takes me a while to get the "I'm full" feeling. In general I try to eat enough to hold me until the next meal time and before I start to feel hunger.

    I totally agree with you, the other day I woke up and wasn't feeling hungry so I went shopping for my house and around lunch I still wasn't hungry and then as soon as I got home my tummy was feeling really bad from not eating so I ordered pizza and ate the entire thing. At first it was 3 slices but I was still hungry.....the thing is though I was so full and felt uncomfortable lol but I do realize than when I skip a meal I overeat whenever I do eat
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Personal preference. Are you a grazer and like to eat throughout the day or do you like to sit down and eat a nice meal that fills you up?

    Eat like you always have. Eat whenever you are hungry or graze all day.. Doesn't matter... And if you want to eat after 8:00 go a head.

    I like to sit down and eat a nice meal but only for dinner, as for breakfast and lunch, it's a grab and go situation. I'm thinking of doing meal preps because my grab and go aren't that healthy.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant as far as weight loss is concerned. Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit . what times you eat come down to preference some eat one big meal. Others find eating 5 small meals keeps them on track. But as far as weight loss is concerned, it makes no difference.
    If I decided to eat all my 2300 cals right before bed, I would still lose weight. Weight loss comes from a caloric deficit. Anyone that tells you not to eat after a certian time is clearly misinformed about weight loss.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    If you're gonna EAT big, do it early in the day...

    No. It doesn't matter when you eat.

    Stay within your calorie goals. Figure out your pattern. For me, I don't eat much early, I save my calories for late afternoon and evening. I do this because I'm not hungry early in the day, and I like a big dinner.

    @MissusMoon I've been watching you and just wanted to say that you got it right ! Keep fighting to spread the truth about weight loss to newcomers !
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    If you're gonna EAT big, do it early in the day...

    No. It doesn't matter when you eat.

    Stay within your calorie goals. Figure out your pattern. For me, I don't eat much early, I save my calories for late afternoon and evening. I do this because I'm not hungry early in the day, and I like a big dinner.

    @MissusMoon I've been watching you and just wanted to say that you got it right ! Keep fighting to spread the truth about weight loss to newcomers !

    Awww, thank you!
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Meal timing is irrelevant as far as weight loss is concerned. Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit . what times you eat come down to preference some eat one big meal. Others find eating 5 small meals keeps them on track. But as far as weight loss is concerned, it makes no difference.
    If I decided to eat all my 2300 cals right before bed, I would still lose weight. Weight loss comes from a caloric deficit. Anyone that tells you not to eat after a certian time is clearly misinformed about weight loss.
    I was told to eat very little at night because I'm less active, so it's best to have your last snack at 8pm......as well as having a balanced meal with snacks in between. I thought I was gaining weight because I wasn't eating on time etc with what I was told but now I know the facts, thank you!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited May 2016
    People make it far to difficult, Learn your body, Eat when hungry.

    The acception is if you suddenly realize wow i haven't ate all day, Whats up with that? I find i have this alot, My body just doesn't give the signals its hungry, So in my case iv found it much easier to have alarms on my phone, And plenty of healthy snacks around. Aslong as your within your calorie goal your fine to eat whenever.

    Some people prefer to eat 1 meal a day with all their calories, others 5-6 small ones. You just do you. Only you know what your body needs (i sense someones going to yell at me for this bit XD ) But seriously some people just prefer a big meal that fills them up, They dont get satisfied eating tiny "meals" which i think is totally okay. Our caveman ancestors never had 6 meals a day they ate when they got food and fasted until the next meal. Some studies show that can actually be very beneficial and alot of people swear by it, they get alot of energy not being all groggy (you know how you feel sometimes after eating while you digest?)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Meal timing is irrelevant as far as weight loss is concerned. Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit . what times you eat come down to preference some eat one big meal. Others find eating 5 small meals keeps them on track. But as far as weight loss is concerned, it makes no difference.
    If I decided to eat all my 2300 cals right before bed, I would still lose weight. Weight loss comes from a caloric deficit. Anyone that tells you not to eat after a certian time is clearly misinformed about weight loss.
    I was told to eat very little at night because I'm less active, so it's best to have your last snack at 8pm......as well as having a balanced meal with snacks in between. I thought I was gaining weight because I wasn't eating on time etc with what I was told but now I know the facts, thank you!

    Nope, whoever told you that was misinformed. That's actually an old wives tale. But you did the right thing by asking people here before believing the myths. Don't ever be afraid to ask, that's how you will learn !
    I've lost all my weight and have been kept it off for @3 yrs now. I can tell you this - weight loss comes down to calories. Calories in - calories out. As long as you consistently eat at a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. Get yourself a food scale if you don't already have one. Learn how to weigh all your solids and measure your liquids. Log the items here on mfp accurately. As long as you eat less then you burn, you will lose weight. It makes no difference what time you eat or what foods you ate when it comes to weight loss ( obviously I am not suggesting a diet consisting of only cake. But as far as weight loss is concerned- if I ate 2300 cals of cake right before bed. I would still lose weight because I would still be at a caloric deficit. )
    Don't deprive yourself of the foods you love, instead learn how to incorporate them into your diet in the right portions. Let's pretend you like cake, you can still have cake ! Just eat it in moderation and use portion control. Sometimes people think losing weight has to be miserable , they deprive themselves of the foods they love or go on crazy fad diets. They never keep the weight off in the long Run . so ditch any myths that people may have told you and start fresh. Remember that weight loss comes from a calorie deficit and that no special diets or fads are needed. Instead learn portion control and moderation . these tools will set you up for long term success! Best of luck to you !
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Meal timing is irrelevant as far as weight loss is concerned. Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit . what times you eat come down to preference some eat one big meal. Others find eating 5 small meals keeps them on track. But as far as weight loss is concerned, it makes no difference.
    If I decided to eat all my 2300 cals right before bed, I would still lose weight. Weight loss comes from a caloric deficit. Anyone that tells you not to eat after a certian time is clearly misinformed about weight loss.
    I was told to eat very little at night because I'm less active, so it's best to have your last snack at 8pm......as well as having a balanced meal with snacks in between. I thought I was gaining weight because I wasn't eating on time etc with what I was told but now I know the facts, thank you!

    Nope, whoever told you that was misinformed. That's actually an old wives tale. But you did the right thing by asking people here before believing the myths. Don't ever be afraid to ask, that's how you will learn !
    I've lost all my weight and have been kept it off for @3 yrs now. I can tell you this - weight loss comes down to calories. Calories in - calories out. As long as you consistently eat at a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. Get yourself a food scale if you don't already have one. Learn how to weigh all your solids and measure your liquids. Log the items here on mfp accurately. As long as you eat less then you burn, you will lose weight. It makes no difference what time you eat or what foods you ate when it comes to weight loss ( obviously I am not suggesting a diet consisting of only cake. But as far as weight loss is concerned- if I ate 2300 cals of cake right before bed. I would still lose weight because I would still be at a caloric deficit. )
    Don't deprive yourself of the foods you love, instead learn how to incorporate them into your diet in the right portions. Let's pretend you like cake, you can still have cake ! Just eat it in moderation and use portion control. Sometimes people think losing weight has to be miserable , they deprive themselves of the foods they love or go on crazy fad diets. They never keep the weight off in the long Run . so ditch any myths that people may have told you and start fresh. Remember that weight loss comes from a calorie deficit and that no special diets or fads are needed. Instead learn portion control and moderation . these tools will set you up for long term success! Best of luck to you !

    Thank you!....knowledge is power.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    If you're gonna EAT big, do it early in the day...
    Nah, I eat most of my calories for dinner.

  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    At the end of the day, if you are under your calories, you will lose weight regardless.. but in my experience (have lost nearly 60lbs now and am married to a bodybuilder and surrounded with trainer/fitness friends) they all have recommended to eat light at night. This has brought FASTER results for me. You don't have to do it, and I am not responding to any more of these because the debate just gets so heated, just trying to help and sharing my experience.
  • AngelbabyJC
    AngelbabyJC Posts: 27 Member
    At the end of the day, if you are under your calories, you will lose weight regardless.. but in my experience (have lost nearly 60lbs now and am married to a bodybuilder and surrounded with trainer/fitness friends) they all have recommended to eat light at night. This has brought FASTER results for me. You don't have to do it, and I am not responding to any more of these because the debate just gets so heated, just trying to help and sharing my experience.

    Thank you for sharing, I ate late last night and wished I ate a little earlier than the time I did......im thinking eating less at night may be best for me...... I wish I had friends near by who are trainers :D you're so lucky lol
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    When hungry
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's really really simple: Calories for weight management. Macros, meal timing, calorie counting, etc, all the other stuff that you hear about, for calorie management. It's process vs method, or why vs how.
  • Dawn1996r
    Dawn1996r Posts: 9 Member
    I personally believe time frames are irrelevant. I'd be starving if I couldn't eat after 8pm, as I'm often up all throughout the night with my 8 week old daughter. As long as you're eating the right things, there isn't a right time.
  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    When you're hungry.. lol
  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    Okay, here's the deal:

    Everyone prior to this pretty much has it right: You eat less than you burn, you lose weight. PERIOD.

    CICO works.

    However, here's a gem of wisdom I've learned for myself...whatever you do, stay as constant as you can.

    If you *always* eat just before bed, then keep doing so as long as you're eating less than you burn.

    But, if you *don't* normally eat just before bed and then one night you do? You will magically gain weight the next morning if you get up and weigh at your regular time.

    Wait, what?

    It's magic! (No, it's not)

    It's called food weight. See, your body needs an amount of time to process the foods you eat...so for example, if you have a late night P-A-R-T-Y! and you pass out at 3am after having had lots of yummy food and drink (but not over your calorie goal) you might be a little shocked and depressed when you wake up for work at 6am, shower, brush your teeth and hit the scales at 7am only to see that you've just GAINED a pound.


    Relax...if you didn't eat anything at all for a few hours more (like your normal resting time before you get up and weigh) you'd see the weight go down. Why? Because the food's had time to be processed.

    That's why they tell you to weigh yourself around the same time every day - your weight fluctuates all day long. (In fact, mine is geared to always show my very *worst* weight anytime I have to go to the doctor's office.)

    Anyhow, in all things - be consistent. Eat when you normally eat, sleep when you normally sleep, weigh when you normally weigh and you'll have excellent and accurate results.

    Vary the program, don't panic when the numbers vary too. It's just your body still working on that cheeseburger you had at midnight because you figured you could count half the calories on today's chart and the other half on tomorrow's chart! :smile:

  • MelodieKindree
    MelodieKindree Posts: 8 Member
    I get my two boys fed and changed then it's my turn as soon as possible. I usually have herbal tea as a no cal "snack" lunch at noon. More herbal tea, with a snack (usually a low cal protein bar) supper no later than six. Only water after this time and metamusil at bed time
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    Hello Miss,

    I hope you are having a good morning. I noticed your post and I am wondering what are your goals?
  • the_new_mark_2017
    the_new_mark_2017 Posts: 149 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »

    Eat like you always have. Eat whenever you are hungry or graze all day.. Doesn't matter... And if you want to eat after 8:00 go a head.

    I have to say I don't really agree with this "Eat like you always have" is the reason why I am here. :)