Back (again) and looking for buddies!

Hey everyone! My name is Kate, and I'm definitely not new to MPF, but I've used it very sporadically over the last few years, and I'm feeling the need to get serious again and re-dedicate myself to my fitness goals.

I quit smoking back in December and I'm going strong, but I have definitely done some comfort eating since then, plus fallen off the exercise wagon and now I have 85 to lose, and my fitness and confidence to get back. I would love some new pals to motivate, and to motivate me - I like to think I'm open-minded, open-hearted, funny, and real, so if you're looking to cheer each other on...let's be friends!


  • lynnraasakka
    lynnraasakka Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Lynn and I'd like to lose 69#. My main weaknesses are sugary soda and sweets. I love baking so therefore I make treats I love. I just started mfp and really want to do it this time!