What motivates you?

Just thought this would be fun as we all have various forms of motivation. Could be in the form of NSVs, people who positively influence us, etc.

My 4 month old son definitely motivates me to be a healthier momma.
Food motivates me because this lifestyle change gives me the freedom to eat whatever I want, just less of it :-)


  • 100poundsx
    100poundsx Posts: 87 Member
    Superficial things, unfortunately. Wearing clothes I can't fit into and too self conscious to wear. My cruise next year is a huge motivation. Being healthy enough to have a baby is probably number one for me, though. :)
  • MyFreakingNameIsScott
    MyFreakingNameIsScott Posts: 199 Member
    Pictures from my now defunct modeling portfolio. I want that back.

    My daughter who is home from school (about 2k miles away) for the summer. She's been working out with me since she has been home and that's actually been fun and has motivated me to push a bit harder to be the example I really need to be.
  • FitnessGirl11mfp
    FitnessGirl11mfp Posts: 232 Member
    100poundsx wrote: »
    Superficial things, unfortunately. Wearing clothes I can't fit into and too self conscious to wear. My cruise next year is a huge motivation. Being healthy enough to have a baby is probably number one for me, though. :)

    I don't think those are superficial at all :-) And even if they are, sometimes fitting into clothes that was once too small is GREAT motivation. Good luck with trying to have a baby and with your fitness journey :-)
  • FitnessGirl11mfp
    FitnessGirl11mfp Posts: 232 Member
    edited May 2016
    Pictures from my now defunct modeling portfolio. I want that back.

    My daughter who is home from school (about 2k miles away) for the summer. She's been working out with me since she has been home and that's actually been fun and has motivated me to push a bit harder to be the example I really need to be.

    Modeling ? Wow that is amazing, keep at it and you will get back to it :-) That's awesome that your daughter is working out with you, a positive support system works wonders :-)
    Good luck!
  • DylsGrandma
    DylsGrandma Posts: 69 Member
    I am feeling motivated for several reasons. I think the first would of course be my health. I have been diabetic for almost 30 years and have just started taking insulin. I want to get off some of my meds. I also want to see my grandson grow up. I want to choose clothing based on what I like, not what fits. I am more confident when I feel better about myself. I am a former (Diamond Award) Weight Loss Leader and I am disappointed I gained back the weight. I know this can not be just another diet for me, this has to be a permanent lifestyle change. I have a dress my husband calls my.."Pretty Woman Dress" ...and yes I want to wear that dress again! <3
  • daniellek30
    daniellek30 Posts: 171 Member
    My motivations are:

    1. My sister passed away in 2010, and it has taken my family a very long time to find peace with it (still not sure we have.) My mom was a wreck, which is understandable. I found comfort in food, which I know my sister would have thought was ridiculous. I don't want to ever be in such bad health that my mom has to worry about losing her other child, or that my sister would be disappointed in me.

    2. My husband motivates me because every time I see him I know I want to live a long and happy life with him, have a buncha babies, etc. etc.
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    1. My boyfriend has gone from 220 to 180 and yet here I am, having only lost 12ish pounds.. that's a big motivator!
    2. I'm moving from the north east to Austin, Texas next month. Summer clothes are a lot more revealing. Also, I've never had abs before?

    My motivators are superficial, but they work.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Beautiful things happen to beautiful people. It sucks but it's true.
    Been struggling to find a better job for years and part of me thinks if I look better then perhaps things will go better for me at the job front.
    Perhaps I'm full of crazy...
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    The changes I see in my body and conditioning are being a great motivator for me right now, plus any time I get done with a workout my boyfriend cheers for me and tells me he's proud of me. I've never had that before from a boyfriend so it's pretty cool.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Vacations, pride, vanity, I like pushing myself. To some extent, health.
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    I like medals ! That's literally what motivates me to run sometimes.
    Getting to the gym I want to be strong something so amazing about hitting PB with weights , very competitive with myself and others so normally trying to lift more than friends or run faster than the last race.
  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    @NorthCascades - I just want to follow you on posts for all the pretty landscape photos!
  • kateraichu
    kateraichu Posts: 39 Member
    I have one very specific goal—fit into the bridal qipao I bought on Ebay. (lol) My biggest motivator right now is the red bridal qipao hanging in my closet. I got it for $36 on Ebay when it was initially around $400. Basically it is my wedding dress as I'm getting married in October, but my fiancé is Chinese and I wanted to wear the traditional clothing for his culture. Right now I can kiiiiind of fit into it, but I can't move, walk, bend over or sit—which is kind of a problem because the wedding involves a tea ceremony in which you have to kneel! Haha.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    aub6689 wrote: »
    @NorthCascades - I just want to follow you on posts for all the pretty landscape photos!

  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    Well, my motivations change from time to time. Of course health is always there, but being a 20-something woman, I'm afraid the more vain reasons win out.
    I kind of want the world to see what *I* see when I look in the mirror. I know I'm worth it, but I kind of want to SHOW that I'm worth it.

    Having known what the world was like before gaining all of the weight I did, unfortunately I'm well aware of the realities of how much easier life can be when one is not overweight/obese, including in the way others perceive you.

    Lately, I had my heart broken, and I strongly suspect my weight had something to do with it. I hate admitting this, but a small part of me just wants to be a bombshell so that all the men like him can see me one day in passing and say "dang.... why didn't I take her seriously"? It's a very silly, very shallow, and very vindictive reason... but I'd be lying if I said it isn't fun to think about!

    I hope I didn't come off as being too negative! I'm usually pretty upbeat, but I'm trying to be honest.
  • MyFreakingNameIsScott
    MyFreakingNameIsScott Posts: 199 Member

    Modeling ? Wow that is amazing, keep at it and you will get back to it :-) That's awesome that your daughter is working out with you, a positive support system works wonders :-)
    Good luck!

    Trust me, it's not as interesting as it sounds. Just standard catalog stuff. I was no CK model. I was however, in much better shape.

  • cbrunenkant
    cbrunenkant Posts: 16 Member
    I want to demonstrate a healthy lifestyle to my kids... Getting there!

  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    Roller Coasters. No seriously.

    They're engineered to handle 250lbs of person in each chair. AT 250lbs, you can fit in one more or less comfortably.

    My wife and I are Roller Coaster junkies and haven't been able to have a fix in over 15 years.

    Yeah...that's some serious motivation right there.

    The great sex thing is also a plus...but mostly it's the roller coasters.
  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    BinaryFu wrote: »
    Roller Coasters. No seriously.

    They're engineered to handle 250lbs of person in each chair. AT 250lbs, you can fit in one more or less comfortably.

    My wife and I are Roller Coaster junkies and haven't been able to have a fix in over 15 years.

    Yeah...that's some serious motivation right there.

    The great sex thing is also a plus...but mostly it's the roller coasters.

    Oh I love this reason!!!! Now I want to go ride on a roller coaster.