


  • dxlee7
    dxlee7 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm currently doing two a days. Each have weight lifting and cardio mixed in. Morning session are my heavy lifts with combat cardio such as sparring. Second workout of the day is auxiliary workouts with cardio such as running.

    My purpose is increased lifts, endurance, stamina and to tone.

    I know people here have either agreed or disagreed, but you gotta see what works for you. I started at a 3 day a week schedule working out twice a day. I'm currently doing 5 days a week, 2 a day, with the weekend as my recovery time.

    I just have the itch for it.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    I do two a days a few times a week. It's the only way I can fit in yoga or cardio. It's not about the extra calorie burn, it's about keeping myself well-rounded from an athletic point of view.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    I do two workouts in a day quite often, especially in summer, but don't do "two a days" ;) . Absent a serious training goal, the term has always seemed a little death-march-ish to me . . . and when I do 2 or more workouts in a day, it's more often about fun (though occasionally about training goals, mainly to put me in better condition so I can have more fun in the long run).

    Only rarely would I choose to do the same thing twice. Usually it's a matter of wanting to row as many days as I can when we're having good weather & water, and some of those days I also have a spin class, or decide to take a bike ride. I go through phases of weight training and doing core workouts regularly (I'm a l'il ol' lady, and sometimes physical issues sideline these - it's a l'il ol' lady occupational hazard). So, could be spin & lift, or bike and core, or row and either, or row-spin-core, whatever combo makes sense in my schedule. I do half an hour or so of stretching/yoga in addition, a lot of days, but don't count that as a workout.

    So, advice: Mix it up. Hydrate liberally. Please, please eat extra when you workout multiple times. Get plenty of protein, and I feel better if I try for solid micros (lots of fruit/veg).

    Personally, I like a little bit of extra carb/protein food right after the first workout when a 2nd is coming up. (For a while I took a kettlebell class right after spin class. Even one of those little applesauce pouches helped the kettlebell class, and the whole rest of the day, go better.)

    Consider some foam-rolling. Ice body parts that feel the stress, and watch carefully for overuse effects if your routine changes/progresses (sometimes activities that seem dissimilar can put similar stresses on some body part).

    I don't personally feel like regular two-workout days are a great weight-loss strategy (i.e., workouts without eating the calories back), especially if you're not someone who's been working out regularly for quite some time - it can be fatiguing.

    I've been pretty active for a dozen years, and found multiple-workout days fatiguing when I was at my higher calorie deficits, even while eating all the calories back. (It was about training goals at the time: eventually I decreased my deficit.) But I am old, so that may be part of it.

    tl;dr: Go for it. Be careful at first, and watch how you feel carefully.
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    We did two a days in college, and wow, I was in great shape. My body changed in those few short weeks, like nothing else.

    We had to be on campus at 5:30am for two hours of conditioning, and 5:30pm for an actual soccer practice. The college soccer season is August-September, so if you have ever been to Texas in August, you know why conditioning was at 5:30am. Man I miss those days! I only wish I could work out that hard now.