Blinker when parking



  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    I'm a pretty good driver for having a vagina. ;)
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    edited May 2016
    i just drive around with both signals on just in case

    I think they just become emergency flashers at that point.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I'm a pretty good driver for having a vagina. ;)

  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sometimes I'll hit the blinker even when I intend to go straight just in case I change my mind.
  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    I use my blinkers at all times. Even if I am the only one on the road, just a habit of getting pulled over a lot for having a loud car for most of my life. One less reason for anyone to pull u over, also a necessity when speeding. If you are a speeder, you should be in the habit of using turn signals, it pretty much says "hey I'm going this way, please stay in your lane so neither of us die" :)
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    ejinvt wrote: »
    aub6689 wrote: »
    Yes. I tend to overuse my blinker in general. I try to make it so people have a clear idea of where I intend to go.

    Yes! I overuse mine too, to make up for the rampant UNDERuse by so many!
    I don't think we're overusing it, it's just the right amount ;-)

    How about this scenario? The road you're on comes to a T, bends to the right, other side has a stop. Do you use it when you go to the right, following the road?

    I'm a great signaler, but I wouldn't use it in this situation as I'm not leaving the road I am on nor coming to a stop to turn.

    Actually, if I was approaching the T in a direction where I would be turning in front of someone that was waiting at the sign, I'd probably signal just to make sure they didn't think I was going straight and decide to pull out in front of me.


    Another question: do you signal before hitting your brakes to turn? I do, gives whoever is behind me a reason for my braking.

    For sure before I brake.

    Although, gotta love the brakers that don't actually hit the blinker until they're simultaneously turning the wheel to turn. :laugh:
    And then they wonder why they're getting honked at ;-) why bother at that point? Ha!

    Oh, you live in Wisconsin too? Get in the right hand lane to turn left, left hand lane to turn right, sit in both lanes at intersections, run red lights randomly. Worst drivers I have ever seen. I got used to driving in the big city and yeah people were aggressive, but at least you had a clue what they were thinking.
  • bradandrus76
    bradandrus76 Posts: 6 Member
    makingmark wrote: »
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    ejinvt wrote: »
    aub6689 wrote: »
    Yes. I tend to overuse my blinker in general. I try to make it so people have a clear idea of where I intend to go.

    Yes! I overuse mine too, to make up for the rampant UNDERuse by so many!
    I don't think we're overusing it, it's just the right amount ;-)

    How about this scenario? The road you're on comes to a T, bends to the right, other side has a stop. Do you use it when you go to the right, following the road?

    I'm a great signaler, but I wouldn't use it in this situation as I'm not leaving the road I am on nor coming to a stop to turn.

    Actually, if I was approaching the T in a direction where I would be turning in front of someone that was waiting at the sign, I'd probably signal just to make sure they didn't think I was going straight and decide to pull out in front of me.


    Another question: do you signal before hitting your brakes to turn? I do, gives whoever is behind me a reason for my braking.

    For sure before I brake.

    Although, gotta love the brakers that don't actually hit the blinker until they're simultaneously turning the wheel to turn. :laugh:
    And then they wonder why they're getting honked at ;-) why bother at that point? Ha!

    Oh, you live in Wisconsin too? Get in the right hand lane to turn left, left hand lane to turn right, sit in both lanes at intersections, run red lights randomly. Worst drivers I have ever seen. I got used to driving in the big city and yeah people were aggressive, but at least you had a clue what they were thinking.

    Oh you're in Chippewa Falls. I'm originally from Tomah and have since returned but did live in Chippewa Falls for a couple years while going to CVTC. Now I know why you think Wisconsin has the worst drivers. THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS up there in the Chippwa Falls/EauClaire area. That was a fair part of why I returned to Tomah.