Body fat %

I have one of those body fat % scales. I know they're not madly accurate, but they have to be in the right ballpark, yes? So far I've lost 32lb, which is over 1/7 of my bodyweight. I've also been lifting, and can see muscle. My fat % has apparently decreased only from 39% to 37%. Surely this can't be right?!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I read some study recently that found an 8% error in either direction, meaning that you may be anywhere from 29-47%. I really would not rely on those things at all. My scale has had me at the same bf% from the day I got it, 2 years and many pounds ago, before I started lifting weights.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I don't think they are accurate for everyone.

    I use these:
    Online calculators (put in weight, height, measurements, it estimates)
    the bioimpedence device (like your scale but handheld)

    and all of them, for me, are within 2% of each other so I feel that I have a reasonable estimate.

    Also, it depends on how much you weigh. Fat as a % of weight is a relative measurement so if you, say, started at 237 and 39% bf, and lost 37 pounds and it was about half fat, half other stuff you would land right at that 37%. Even though, in that example, you would have lost over 18lb of fat. I don't think it's possible to lose only fat...

    So I agree the device is most likely wrong, but remember that the bodyfat as a % is relative. You can lose fat, your body weight drops so then the fat % is calculating off a smaller mass.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I read some study recently that found an 8% error in either direction, meaning that you may be anywhere from 29-47%. I really would not rely on those things at all. My scale has had me at the same bf% from the day I got it, 2 years and many pounds ago, before I started lifting weights.

    Same. I don't even look at that number.
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    I have lost about 25 pounds so far and went from 32.1% to 25.9%, according to my body fat scale. (I am starting to see muscle, as well, mostly in the upper body where I have always been smaller.) That is reasonably close to what the online calculators are giving me, and the trend is in the right direction. I don't think I would emphatically state that I had 25.9% body fat, but the trend makes me think the device is basically working for me.
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    My scale is worthless for bodyfat %. One time of day it always says 5%... like every day at that time it says 5%. I think that might be its minimum display. Other times of day it will vary from 17% to 20%. I had a BodPod measurement done (similar idea to water displacement in a dunk tank, but it is air displacement in a pod) that said 11%. Comparing to pictures of what various bodyfat percentages look like the 11% seems about right.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    My scale says I'm 30% body fat.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Hydration is a factor as well concerning the bioimpedence scales. Also, I know the CICO police are gonna come after me, but... if you're working out regularly, and eating at a calorie deficit, but you're not eating enough protein, your body will burn muscle. Enough protein is the difference between losing weight and losing fat.
  • hhazzouri
    hhazzouri Posts: 103 Member
    Those scales are not even close to accurate...
  • rollerjog
    rollerjog Posts: 154 Member
    hydrostatic body fat test is the one you want to get, very accurate
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    CiaraCatch wrote: »
    I have one of those body fat % scales. I know they're not madly accurate, but they have to be in the right ballpark, yes? So far I've lost 32lb, which is over 1/7 of my bodyweight. I've also been lifting, and can see muscle. My fat % has apparently decreased only from 39% to 37%. Surely this can't be right?!

    Body fat scales are basically using a simple algorithm. They have no idea what your body fat truly is. You'd have a more accurate result measuring neck/waist/hips and using a website.
  • cmtristani
    cmtristani Posts: 117 Member
    My scale isn't too far off right now, but in the last three days it has measured my bf% at 11.4, 13.2, and 12.2. I am ultra ritualistic in my morning routine, weighing myself under the exact same conditions every time, and the BF varies a lot. Three weeks ago doing a caliper test I was 12.4%. BF% on a scale is a measuring tool that if you put faith in will disappoint you often.