There's gotta be a way to trick your body from not being hungry.

I'm on a 1500 calorie diet. I'm very active, and have lost weight before. However, the scale has gone back up, and I'm mostly just balancing my weight nowadays rather than working closer to the goal.

I keep trying to look up 'magic' ways of turning off that hunger switch, like a certain vitamin, pill, or stomach exercises you can do.

I don't think there's anything wrong with my health to make me hungry all the time. I think my problem is that I just REALLY enjoy food, and any type. I sometimes am very anxious of what I'm going to eat next. I try to eat three times a day, but I wish the clock would hurry.

They say eat breakfast in the morning, which helps balance out how you eat throughout the day, and kicks in your metabolism. I usually make a grilled egg sandwich with 40 calorie cheese slice, and some red onions. Doesn't help much.

They say drink two glasses of water before a meal, or just make sure to get your water intake. Doesn't work.

If I could, I wish I could eat just one big meal a day and be done. At least the prices on my groceries would be wonderful.

Any tips.


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    what's your height and weight? You are really active. You might not need to lose any weight. Eat more.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I'm almost 5'7" and need to eat back at least 50% of my exercise calories else I wouldn't be fueling my workouts properly. 1500 calories is no where near enough for me on days I'm very active.
  • FashionQueen86
    FashionQueen86 Posts: 51 Member
    edited May 2016
    My height is 5'4. My lowest weight I saw last was about 151. The scale blew up to like 158. I want to keep losing weight becuase I still have a huge pudgy stomach. My arms barely have definition, and I'm still a bit thick all over. I want to be completely toned.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    What's your goal weight? How many pounds per week did you set your goal to lose?
  • rebeccaahopkins93
    rebeccaahopkins93 Posts: 107 Member
    If you're only eating three times a day try making your portions smaller and adding in extra snack between meals. Eat lots of Fiber and Protein because it keeps you full longer :)
  • GraceCRosario
    GraceCRosario Posts: 4 Member
    Add in a snack (or two). Reduce the size of your meals slightly to balance this.
    Try nuts or peanut butter with celery/crackers, or a small banana after your physical activity. Carmen's Dark Chocolate and Cranberry Protein bars are another good snack.

    Make sure that you put healthy fats into your snacks/meals too. Fat digest much slower than carbohydrates, and they remain in the stomach longer, which means that you will naturally feel full longer after eating a snack that contains at least some fat.

    Ensuring that your meals have the right balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates will help you feel fuller longer. Along with eating more low G.I. foods.