Support from your partner



  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I don't expect my partner to make the same choices I make, but I appreciate his encouraging words, and the fact that he stopped buying me the treats that I am really fond of. It would really bum me out if he was actively trying to undermine my health. Even though I believe I can accomplish my goals in spite of someone attempting to keep me unhealthy, it certainly is a lot easier to make healthy choices when you don't have to fight against yourself and another person (or people).
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    My husband is tall and slender, and eats horribly. He is, however, everything I could hope for in the support department, and I count myself fortunate in this regard. For date nights I choose the restaurant so I can check the menu online and plan. He never asks me "should you be eating that" because he knows I'm on track. He's made it clear he found me perfectly beautiful and sexy at my highest weight and is thrilled I'm doing this because I will be more healthy-and beautiful and sexy at every lower weight. There are a few foods that tempt me, and he knows just to put them in "his" cupboard so I'm not looking at it all the time.

    OP-the feeling left out thing. I agree with posts that say you're going to have to do this for yourself. But I still empathize. It sounds like you and your husband may need to communicate about this in a productive way and you should find another activity that allows you to bond as a couple. Remember it's a good thing he and your son are bonding in a healthy way. You may need to try a lot of things to find what works. Heck, if you're feeling this sad about it, and it's truly the only thing you have in common, you might need a marriage counselor. It's hard to tell from short posts, only you really know.

    In the end I will say that becoming lighter, healthier and strong will serve you well in the long run. Do this for yourself, and work on the marriage stuff for your marriage.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    My husband is also tall and slender amd eats horrible lol. He always compliments me no matter what I way. He never says are you sure you should eat that!! When I came home and said I had IR and had to cut out stuff he said let's focus on what you should eat and don't worry about the scale. If you loose it's a bonus for you but the real focus is on getting sugar flour out as per doctor.

    I make a meal and I plan to have mine bread free and he has been eating his bread free ...I told him he doesn't have to but he just has been. He bbq's me up chicken breasts so I have them for the week. It has made such a difference. My young son asks me if I made my step goal if I have not he says let's go play soccer ( that might be because he always wants to play soccer)

    It has made such a difference to feel supported!!
  • hdatres
    hdatres Posts: 635 Member
    awaite3 wrote: »
    Yes and no my family knows how hard I'm trying to loose weight but they keep buying and stocking unhealthy foods and it is an awful temptation

    I know exactly what you mean. I have a bag of Chito's that's been staring at me for almost a week. I have two stepsons one is 21 and the other is 24 at home .The older one goes to the gym with my husband but they still eat unhealthy and bring things to share that are unhealthy like pizza, chips and especially Mountain Dew . I appreciate there kindness to share but it almost feels like sabotage Fighting these temptations almost feels the same way it did when I quit smoking . the less your around it the less you want it.
    So well I'm being tempted ,I am trying to keep my mind on other things and do stuff keep busy . While the aroma of pepperoni is in the air. I've been asking them to take their snacks to their room and that helps a lot to. Not everyone has the same willpower and challenges . Support does help a lot. I wish you luck on your goals