Sloooooow progress...

Hey guys! I've been trying to loose weight for over a year now, my best friend got me into a gym and we've been going since then. After a year of going to the gym I've only lost 3lbs... And tbh that barely happened two weeks ago when I was consistent and went every day. I get so devastated sometimes and instead of keep going I don't go because I feel like its not worth It. I don't want to stop I weigh 237 right now (after being 240 for the last year) and I want to keep losing weight! My main goal is to get to 145 but my first goal is to loose the 37 lbs to get to 200lbs and then move on from there :( please send me good vibes and ways you guys get motivated when you feel at loss! Thank you <3:)


  • Taylordriven
    Taylordriven Posts: 22 Member
    Hi girlie,
    I stared off at 247 lbs on May 10th and currently 236 lbs! This MFP is an awesome app! Being accountable for every bite of food has been a valuable key towards my weight loss journey! Feel free to add me! Let's support one another! Girl power!!!!
  • rzdulcey
    rzdulcey Posts: 14 Member
    I have to keep being consistent! Thank you! Seeing your story definitely pumped me up ;)
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited May 2016
    You don't lose weight in the gym, you lose weight in the kitchen.

    You could lose weight with 0 minutes spent in the gym. Exercise is great for your physical fitness, it has many great benefits, but weight loss or gain is mainly from how much you eat.
  • rzdulcey
    rzdulcey Posts: 14 Member
    Yeah and it's probably because of what I eat. I ate hardly twice a day and I'm lucky if I have a third meal mostly because I'm so busy with work or school. I've been moderating my food calorie and well you would think I'll go down few more lbs when I switch to healthier food choices. :(
  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    rzdulcey wrote: »
    Yeah and it's probably because of what I eat. I ate hardly twice a day and I'm lucky if I have a third meal mostly because I'm so busy with work or school. I've been moderating my food calorie and well you would think I'll go down few more lbs when I switch to healthier food choices. :(

    That's your problem. You aren't eating enough. From countless people and websites, articles, etc. you have to eat a decent amount of calories, based on what you do/day. Usually its 1200 calories/day. If you do work out more, you need to increase to sustain your metabolism. If you "starve" yourself, you're starving your metabolism, slowing it down to where it goes into "starvation mode". Once you start eating, your caloric intake is used for surviving, and you won't lose any weight.

    Increase your caloric intake; eat more veggies, fruits, lean proteins (your macro-nutrients are what you need to look for *carbs, protein and fats*, and HYDRATE. Water is absolutely your best friend. It helps with cravings, detoxifies the body. Try green tea; it tastes great and it aids with weight loss and lowering fat %. Coffee (black with no creamer or sugar or whatever) helps with energy (caffiene), and is been shown to lower your chances of getting colon cancer by more than 50%.

    Don't give up....keep motivating yourself; listen to music, a speech by a body builder or someone that knows what you are going through. Keep your head up and you will succeed! :smiley:
  • rzdulcey
    rzdulcey Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you so much for your kind words! It's so hard to eat more though :( I've been trying to eat that third meal but it is very difficult... Thank you so much for your input :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Use the food diary feature to accurately write down everything that goes down your gullet. Everything. The reason you maintained 240 lb until a couple of weeks ago is that you were eating well over 2000 calories every day on average. The easiest thing for humans to do is forget what and how much we ate. The second easiest thing for us to do is to miss guess the portion size. Buy a kitchen scale. Use it. It's also easy, but it's good easy. Hang around. We'll help.
  • Etsar73
    Etsar73 Posts: 260 Member
    It's not about 'healthy food choices' or 'how much you exercise' as much as it is about HOW MUCH food/calories you eat. You can eat all the healthy food you want and still not lose weight (that's not to say that healthy food is not important in other ways). You can exercise your butt off but if you eat more than you burn you will lose nothing (again, that is not to say it isn't good in other ways).

    It's about calorie deficit, eating less than you burn. You are eating too much and that is why you are struggling. When you set up your MFP, you would have logged in your age, gender, height, current weight and weight goal (loss, maintenance or gain). Use this and weigh your food on a food scale. It's not good enough just to say 'Oh I only ate twice today' and think that will suffice in terms of being accountable for your food intake. You need to be honest and consistent about everything you eat. Don't do less than it suggests and 1lbs is usually what people find is manageable in terms of weightloss a week.
  • rzdulcey
    rzdulcey Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you guys so much for your input! Definitely going to be more consistent in calorie counting! <3:)