Loose skin

Is there anyone who's lost around 100 lbs who didn't get loose skin? I know with most it must be inevitable but it's one thing I want to try and avoid as much as possible. My highest weight was 278 and I'm currently 236. About 15 pounds of that weight that was lost was from depression and stress back in early 2015 and the rest of the weight loss was lost from me trying to lose the weight but there were a few times that I fell off the wagon and gained back some weight. Now I feel like I'm on the right track again and getting more confident with getting healthier and trying to workout at least 4 times a week. I just want to know if anyone has tips for me as far as toning my problem areas such as my lower stomach and arms. Is there any beginner workouts someone can recommened?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I have loose skin (I know not exactly what your asking for), but it's low on my abdomen and can easily be hidden. Granted I still don't like it and am hoping my skin might adjust some (they say it can take up to 2 yrs into maintaining), but I'm saving for surgery just in case.

    If you haven't started already, I recommend starting strength training of some sort.
    Some beginner programs if you have access to free weights are:
    -Stronglifts 5x5
    -Ice Cream Fitness 5x5
    -New Rules of Lifting for Women
    -Strong Curves
    -Starting Strength

  • hhazzouri
    hhazzouri Posts: 103 Member
    I lost 85 pounds in total over a few years, Zero loose skin. I got more than my fair share of stretch marks though
  • hamstertango
    hamstertango Posts: 129 Member
    I tried to avoid loose skin by scrubbing those areas and moisturising most days and this sounds weird but I kneeded the danger areas like dough particularly on the Tummy, I had this mad idea that it might increase the blood flow to the area and keep the skin healthy!

    I was 210lbs in 2013, lost 38lbs-ish over 3 years and the rest this year. The only loose skin I've got and I'm only 3lb off goal of 136 now- is a bit on the tummy but it's not as bad as I'd feared. I'm 40 so age not even on my side sadly for plump skin anymore. Guess I've been lucky or the stuff I said about above worked, who knows, could be genetics.

    Don't let the worry of loose skin put you off loosing weight, it'll be worth it whatever you skin ends up like.

    Recommend doing bodyweight strength training at home, started about a month ago, seeing improvements already! (Body by You -Mark Lauren)

    Hope it goes well for you!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Losing weight slowly helps the skin maintain its natural elasticity. So try not to lose too quickly (i.e. no drastic calorie restrictions etc.). Your own genetics will determine the rate at which it can contract before being 'broken' and making loose skin, no real way to tell anyone exactly the rate of weight loss will be suitable to avoid it.

    For what it is worth: Don't be too overly upset if you do get some loose skin here or there. If it bothers you too much, there is always surgery as an eventual option. Heck, am totally crushing over someone with loose skin by his arm pits and his stomach... heh... not a deal breaker by any means!

  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    edited May 2016
    ^^ I second what @danadark said (no not about the crushing on ..armpits part ;)
    Loosing the weight slowly improves skins elasticity (and is healthier for your body)
  • justincooper405
    justincooper405 Posts: 107 Member
    After 60 lbs lost I thought I had loose skin .... but as I continued to loose weight it continued to dissipate.

    And it turns out what I thought was loose skin was just more belly fat that hang loosely and sagged.

    There is some sort of pinch test a lot of MFP'ers can explain that can be used to determine if you have loose skin or excess body fat
  • jlcrph
    jlcrph Posts: 41 Member
    I've lost 116lbs and am close to my goal weight. I do have a little loose skin and stretch marks but it isn't too bad. I'd much prefer the skin over the 115 extra pounds! Good luck to you!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I've had 2 boys both over 9 pounds each. Both pregnancies my waist circumference got up to 45 inches and I gained 60 pounds in both pregnancies. I'm down to 27 inches and have a little loose skin. You can really only tell when I point it out.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    You can try adding collagen powder to your diet. Not the topical creams or pills.

    look up Great lakes gelatin.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    For occasions / nice dresses consider a spanx at JCPenny. (just in case).
    Take a multivitamin with extra C vitamin.
  • 48candy
    48candy Posts: 4 Member
    I have read drinking water helps you to keep skin elasticity. Some claim doing low carb high protein diet helps...