ciao from Italy

Hello everybody I'm Cristina I come from a town near Torino - Ivrea- ( where the Olivetti headquarter was). I'm 49 years old working as Sales Manager for an automotive company. I started to register all my food on Monday 16 and I like it very much because I've a summary of all I eat. At the moment I'm following the diet 5:2 of Kate Harrison and so far so good. Today is my fasting day ( started yesterday at 7.00 pm and finishing today at the same hour so 24h with only water). It's not too hard. I tried many diets but I've hard time to follow a strict diet with this one I can organize myself better. Well at least is what I think after 5 days. Let's see if it works. I speak english italian of course french and german if anyone wants to write me , please do so. a good weekend to everybody here is sunny and above 20 degree Yeah! :-)


  • bradmorris67
    bradmorris67 Posts: 17 Member
    Ciao Mim - all the best, especially with all that pasta there!
  • aliciapastorlecha
    aliciapastorlecha Posts: 169 Member
    Olivetti headquarter!!! OMG!!! I may be old because my typewriter when I was a kid was an Olivetti!!!!!!!
    Welcome! and feel free to add me as a friend!! are you on facebook?