Starting Again

Hello, everyone!
I'm the Goat of Destiny (call me Goat), and I was on here a long time ago under a different user name (which I have long since deleted the email account for).

A little backstory: I started seriously working out in 2010, and by 2012 I was a fit, trim 114lbs (I'm only 4'8") and was a very happy cardio-doing powerlifter. (What? You didn't know Goats could deadlift?)

Well, I started my own business dealing in the raising of livestock, which admittedly can be stressful (and full of Goats). The past few years I went from 2 workouts a day, six days a week to maybe three workouts a month. Not good. My nutrition has slipped into the "whatever I can find" category, as waking up at five am and not sleeping until midnight isn't conducive to cooking.

Now I've lost my mojo (goat-jo?) and I'd love to make new friends on here to help keep me accountable.

My goal (starting on Monday) is to workout five days a week, hopefully six. (Even if it's just going for a run or something). I need to get my nutrition back on point, and I want to eat clean(er).

I'm not new at fitness, but I have backslid so far that the extra motivation of having people remind me of my goals when I start to drift into the "this doesn't matter" mentality should really help!


  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I joined this site after gaining back 30 of the 80lbs I lost a few years ago. I had started making good progress and am now 20lb from goal but sprained my knee recently. Im taking advantage of this down time to focus on my eating habits. Honestly my diet has needed attention but in the past I would just add work outs. I love hiking, running stairs at work, yoga, and insanity. Now that I cant work out I have no choice but to change my diet.

    Welcome back
  • GoatOfDestiny
    GoatOfDestiny Posts: 11 Member
    Today, i had three breadsticks and an ice cream cone.

    We should go shopping this weekend so there's actual food in the house, as i am positive the breadsticks were beyond the threshold of edible v not edible.

    On a positive, our newest baby Goats are finally old enough for serious playing and are a real treat to watch as they bounce off the fence.

    Tomorrow i hope to go for a run. Tonight i am very sleepy, since my dearest friend got me a spa kit fot my birthday and we both learned that Goat is very allergic to face masks (hives are the opposite of soothing). Three benadryl later and i can see again. Lesson learned, hilarious photos taken, and i have a great story now.

    Hope you have all fared well on your journey today!