Breaks from Exercise

Does anyone take scheduled breaks from exercising?

I used to take a week every 8 weeks, but I was noticing that after the week my body felt worse and not recharged. I was then diagnosed with fibromyalgia and was told that rest will make the symptoms work so keep going.

The most days off I had taken from exercising from May 2011 (when my doctor told me that) through October 2015 was 2 days. I was doing 5 days a week and occasionally would miss a day. When my daughter was born in April 2014 I cut it down to 4 days a week. From 5 days to 4 days a week I actually lost an inch off my waist and dropped an additional 4 pounds while not noticing any muscle loss.

In October my mother in law passed away. With everything going on between Sunday-Saturday that week I only worked out Tuesday and Saturday so I had 5 days off, just not continuous.

How many days do all of you take and how often? Between my fibro acting up anyway and a switch of medication in addition to other ailments here and there I am thinking about trying to take a week off again once I know if the Lyrica is working or not for my pain.


  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Hmmm. I don't really think about it. I get antsy if I don't get something in (at least a walk), but that's just because I don't like to be cooped up in the house. But there are always days here and there (sick, too busy, life in general) where there are higher priorities than getting in some activity. Call it one day out of every week or two. Unless I was ill, more than a couple of consecutive days with no activity would have me climbing the walls.
  • cyndit1
    cyndit1 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi, I'm a distance runner and work out 6 days a week and only step back every 4 weeks (run less mileage) but no full weeks off. I workout even on vacation but I may be slightly nuts as most endurance athletes are. I also have RA and lupus and I find that this schedule keeps me mobile and not stiff. I do take one day a week fully off.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I don't exercise while on vacation, though I do usually end up being more physically active than I am at home. Other than that, I don't take planned weeks off very often. I took a week off of lifting a month or so ago because I felt like I needed it and realized I hadn't taken any time off exercise since Dec '14, other than a few days due to illness. I hadhad deload weeks where I lowered my weights and shortened my workouts but other than that it hadbeen regular workouts for all of that time. Different people do different things so my best suggestion is to experiment and find what works for you.
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I exercise 6 days a week (pretty high intensity), take 1 day off a week. Then I always have a recovery werk every 4-8 weeks where I do yoga/Pilates type workouts. And I try to always make sure I'm getting some stretching in too
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    I work out 6 days a week. Sundays are my off day. Sounds like your body is telling you that you need a rest day
  • happyauntie2015
    happyauntie2015 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi I have fibromyalgia as well. I do 3x a week full body workout plus cardio and 2 days a week only cardio. I feel worse if I don't do anything on my rest days so I take the dog on an extra walk or take and play with my 3 yo niece at the park or walk with hubby just anything to move a little.
  • Hoooooooooo
    Hoooooooooo Posts: 27 Member
    I'm pleased to see this thread as am currently on a weeks break. I usually work out 3 times a week with my trainer and go to spin class.
    Next week I'm not training but am planning to go to spin and swim before work.
    My body is clearly telling me I need a break!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    I exercise every day and would have a lot of trouble not exercising unless there was some significant reason not to.

    However, my exercise varies ... some days it might be a light walk ... other days it might be an all-day bicycle ride. And everything in between.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I exercise 3-6 times a week, depending on time and whether I'm training for an upcoming race. This month has been lighter as I only have 1 10K race planned for the end of May, and I've got a niggling mild case of runner's knee I'm trying to work through, so I've been doing more cycling and Pilates-type workouts than I do usually.
    In the next fortnight I will start a structured plan for a September half & then an October one too, so it will get more intense from there.

    Unless I'm following a training plan I just listen to my body with regards to easing up or taking a few days off. If I'm sore beyond what I feel is normal or to be expected, really tired, or getting a bit bored with my normal routine, I'll take a break or shake things up a bit.