2 weeks and now needing to step it up a notch

So far I've been back on the MFP bandwagon a couple of weeks, have mostly managed to stay within calories, but I know I need to start doing more.. Just about to hopefully get myself a bargainous cross trainer and then i think I'm going to try c25k on it (or at least a variant therein..

Would love some people to push me, it's way too easy to be a couch potato right now!


  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    kaned_ ferret ... there is only one person that can push you.. YOU. We can only offer support, inspiration but true motivation comes from the heart. You got the heart to succeed? Do you? Ask yourself. Be true. I know you do! Find that fighter in you.. dig deep down inside your soul. Find that animal and let it loose! Nothing is going to stop you but you, nothing will let you succeed but you! This is all up to you! YOU can do this! Get loud! GO! Prove it with pride!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    True point that :)

    Am I the only person that sits about "feeling" motivated but can't physically move? As in I "think" healthy / exercise and feel better, as if I'm doing it, yet I'm not, and I don't find the energy or inclination to move.. perhaps this is just an effect of chronic fatigue / depression, who knows!?