Support, love & never ending dedication

My name is Haley, I grew up in a small town in Ohio. I have been struggling with my weight all my life and in 2012 I was diginosed with type 1 diabetes. I have been dealing with type one since then and it hasn't been an easy battle. I finally broke through and got my A1C down from a 13 to a 9. That is a huge thing for me so I told myself one thing at a time, now is the time to start my journey to losing these unwanted and shameful 132 pounds. Weight that I have been so ashamed about for far to long. I have a great group of friends and family that are a huge support but, I would like to Spred this as far as I can so I can't stop or let down those people. Please if you would comment share whatever you would like to support me on this journey and I will do my part to make sure I post everyday :) today is a new day and a great day to start a new life:) And please no negative comment :) good vibes only!
Thank you!
