
Been having a hard time getting my butt going . And help would be awesome thanks !!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Find out what your personal obstacles are and think of ways to overcome them.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    Have a plan that excites you, that generally makes things clearer and easier to do.
  • texasjean08
    texasjean08 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started my life change and I find that I need motivation on a daily basis. Because of my weight I find it difficult to even walk without a cane....every time I want to avoid walking I keep telling myself, "just do it, one day walking will mean nothing, just like it use to". From your picture you look great and seem to like the outdoors so maybe a visualization of hiking or physical goals you still want to accomplish. Good luck :)
    AllSUMLIFE Posts: 27 Member
    Drilling down to the heart of why I wanted to lose weight helped me get & stay motivated. When I started, it was about losing weight or getting to a magic number on a scale. But the more I asked myself "why am I even doing this?" the deeper the reason got. Now, it's not so much about the number on the scale as it is about how I feel everyday.

    I used to feel gross & fat most days. And I was so scared of trying new things. Now I've figured out that when I'm eating consistently healthy my digestive system loves me and I feel good. When I'm working out consistently, I feel proud of myself and like I've accomplished something for the day. And what's great is that doing those things gets results (which is pretty awesome too).

    I'd really encourage you to think about your "why." For some people it's similar what I described above. For others it's so that they can be around for their families. But what's important is that it's something you care about enough that it motivates you on the days you "just don't want to."

    Hope that helps. :smile:
    - Sarah
    All+SUM LIFE