I started yesterday (after years of putting it off). Looking for others following AIP to help each other.

I've been diagnosed with Hashimotos for 8 years. Celiac as of February of lastyear, so I've been gluten free since.

Dr appointment a few weeks ago led my dr to think i may have MS as well... setting up further testing.

Took the plunge to 100% AIP yesterday though and really in need of support, food ideas, encouragement. Etc.

Hoping to stay on AIP through the summer and slowly add back things and remain mainly paleo due to my multiple AI conditions.

Tired of feeling horrible all the time. The migraines, bloating, pain, weight loss stalled... so here I go on my AIP journey!


  • nickie1129
    nickie1129 Posts: 6 Member
    I am not AIP currently, but I'd consider it. I'd love to friend you and get to see how you make it work. :)