protein shakes?

hello who drink protein shakes? im trying to lose weight so woukd i drink them? if so which brand do you recommend and when shoukd i drink them?? i MUST HAVE to lose 30lb asap..


  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Eating fewer calories than you burn makes you lose weight. If drinking shakes helps you accomplish this goal, then include them in your diet. If you find you can do this with your normal food, that is good too. Bottom line is you have to eat less than you burn. There are no shortcuts.

    How quickly is ASAP? Losing more than 2 pounds a week is not healthy. Losing more than 1 pound a week is tough.
  • sunheechung
    sunheechung Posts: 24 Member
    i mean i woukd like to lose 1lb a week but my fat loves me to much, wont go away
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    They aren't necessary for weight loss, but can be nice for convenience sometimes and to help hit protein goals. When you consume them is up to you.

    If you want the meal replacement type look into:
    GNC Total Lean (25 g protein without milk/$44.99 at GNC for 16 servings/ powder)*
    Fitmiss Delight (16 g protein without milk/$26.44 on Amazon for 36 servings)
    EAS AdvantEdge (15 g protein without milk/$17.99 on Amazon for 25 servings/powder)*
    Slimfast (2 g protein without milk/$6.88 at walmart for 15 servings/powder)*

    *These can also be bought in single serve premixed bottles, but it's more expensive.
  • dn0pes
    dn0pes Posts: 99 Member
    What you've been told is correct as far as protein and caloric intake as far as I can tell, However, during my loss I attempted to minimize muscle loss by using protein powder and enjoying the shakes after a run or working out. I use one scoop of chocolate peanut butter whey protein powder, whole milk, whole milk yogurt, all natural peanut butter, a banana, a one a day pill and a B12 pill after my run. Pretty high calorie but everything has its place.
  • sunheechung
    sunheechung Posts: 24 Member
    dn0pes wrote: »
    What you've been told is correct as far as protein and caloric intake as far as I can tell, However, during my loss I attempted to minimize muscle loss by using protein powder and enjoying the shakes after a run or working out. I use one scoop of chocolate peanut butter whey protein powder, whole milk, whole milk yogurt, all natural peanut butter, a banana, a one a day pill and a B12 pill after my run. Pretty high calorie but everything has its place.

    so would you drink that instead of meal or as snack when you do
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    I like the BSN Syntha 6 shakes
  • dn0pes
    dn0pes Posts: 99 Member
    dn0pes wrote: »
    What you've been told is correct as far as protein and caloric intake as far as I can tell, However, during my loss I attempted to minimize muscle loss by using protein powder and enjoying the shakes after a run or working out. I use one scoop of chocolate peanut butter whey protein powder, whole milk, whole milk yogurt, all natural peanut butter, a banana, a one a day pill and a B12 pill after my run. Pretty high calorie but everything has its place.

    so would you drink that instead of meal or as snack when you do

    Really it depends on my caloric requirements after a run or working out. After a long run I can burn through 1700 calories, so I eat everything in my path. I always log all my calories no matter what I eat be it protein powder or ice cream.
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Drinking protein shakes would mean you will definitely lose weight , I keep my protein pretty high and carbs lower so use protein powder post workouts and sometimes as snacks if I'm on the go.
    You should focus more on have a cal defect , eating well to be healthy and training hard there is no quick fix sadly . I have nothing against powders help me post workout and help muscle growth and recovery. But still even with water alone it's 140 cals you might as well have an egg and veggies or piece of fruit and Greek yoghurt if you aren't trying to hit a certain goal with protein. ( also Greek yoghurt is a good source of protein too )
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Protein supplement is for getting in enough protein. Calorie deficit creates weight loss. You can lose up to 1% of your body weight if you do everything correctly - weigh and log and check everything you eat. Eat whatever food you like that makes you hit your goal.
  • mitsimr
    mitsimr Posts: 194 Member
    I have never been a breakfast eater. I am even looking into IF due to this. I, however, started drinking a protein shake in the morning to make my SO more comfortable. I have trouble hitting my calorie goal sometimes, depending on what's for dinner, so I have been thinking of adding a protein shake for then as well. If it is gonna restrict things to the point that you can't stick to your calorie goal don't do it. If it helps you meet your goal then go for it. Now if you are working out a lot they are a really good addition if you need a lot of protein to recover with. Some say protein from natural sources is better but I struggle to get enough protein in sometimes so coming strictly from natural sources doesn't work for me. Much of it is subjective and you will often receive mixed viewpoints here. What I normally go by is any Dr's advice first, then what feels right, next if it seems to good to be true it probably is. There are things you can do to help keep you on track (even then that depends on your likes and preferences) but nothing is gonna help you lose weight. Just cico. That being said protein shakes will only help you lose weight if it helps you stick to your goals. I am sorry this ran on so long. I took a tiny tangent.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Better than a shake is a chicken breast w/ a side of veggies.
    Google: Foods high in protein.
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    I drink my protein shake for breakfast. Im not a big breakfast fan. And i need something to keep me full. But i make sure i still have a healthy shake. Mine consists of

    5 frozen strawberries
    1/4 frozen banana
    1/4 cup sliced beets (i buy the no salt added canned because theyre soft. If you buy fresh i suggest steaming or baking them to soften them)
    1 cup spinach
    5 blackberries
    1/2 cup whole milk plain yoghurt (whole fat dair is better for you)
    1 scoop VEGA PROTEIN + GREENS (this is a vegan plant based proteins that is grains and greens so you get servings of veggies and grains in this)
    Then add water and blend. Its super yummy and i drink it every morning with some variation every now and then.
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    I've put myself on a very low calorie diet. I find a milk shake with a bit of fruit for breakfast is much nicer than a packeted shake. If you look on the contents of the 'meal supplements' the protein comes from powdered milk, the flavour artificial, the sweetness is corn starch! I'd much prefer the real thing and the protein and calories are the same.
  • Myree67
    Myree67 Posts: 7 Member
    I had weight loss surgery and still have to drink protein shakes to supplement some of my protein. The EAS shakes are really good because they have LOTS of vitamins! They're really thick too so they don't taste the best but they satisfy that hunger urge.

    Currently I'm doing Thrive LeVel system with the patches and shakes for protein and vitamins but it's pretty expensive but not more than the EAS. It's kind of chalky but I mix it with my coffee in the morning and my nutrition expert has me adding some Helios Greek Organic Keifer to it for added protein and probiotics. has some very good shake recipes if you want to doctor them up and stay healthy doing it!

    Look for bariatric shake recipes online and you will find all sorts of ways to make them taste better without loading calories AND they add vitamins to the mix and recommend high quality shakes.

    If you like coffee click and chike both make an espresso shake mix that you can find at Amazon.

    Good luck to you and if you are going to use shakes just remember that the body can only consume 30-35 g of protein in one sitting and you need at least 70 g per day to keep from losing your hair, muscle and bone! Stay healthy doing it!
  • ashrinkingqueen
    ashrinkingqueen Posts: 19 Member
    I am starting the lean 25 shakes (the powder). Except I'm going to cut the serving size in half because 2 scoops seems like a lot plus it'll make it last a month vs two weeks :)