
... from Texas. Cornfed, middle-aged, balding, White accountant here, but I'm not as sexy and cool as you'd expect from that description. I started a journey to better health here about 3 weeks ago, but haven't gotten around to the social aspects of MFP until now. I've tied my goals to the upcoming college football season, specifically Texas A&M. Specifically, if I lose 66 pounds from the time I started about 3 weeks ago, A&M will win the BCS National Championship. It's just good science.

In all seriousness, I'm doing this to be healthier for my family, but I'll be more successful if I have fun with it along the way. So far, so good.

Wishing everyone else luck, willpower, and happiness.


  • WoundedBuddha
    WoundedBuddha Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat pretty much, except Cal/Stanford are my teams :)
    I'm trying to lose 60 lbs and just started yesterday. My biggest issue is actually getting TO my workout club. I've been making a yearly "donation" now and just can't afford to ignore my health. Really need exercise to deal with huge amounts of stress that food just doesn't seem to take care of...for some reason...I jest....

    Anyway, I plan to log in daily and if you have some words of wisdom or personal challenges you want to share, victories or not, just let me know...btw, I'm middle aged and bald too, and my wife thinks I'm sexy...she even says I get more sexy with each glass of wine :)