I am a 350 pound man trying to make my way to 180.

bonyeama19 Posts: 12 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Freedom is what I am searching for. I'm looking to finally dump off weight and childhood problems i have ,to finally have freedom over why I am so big. Its emotional overeating.....its me wanting to let go of pain of the world. I sm ready.....day one. Try...go....do it....if you can make it through day one, you can make it through any day.


  • Tan_lyons
    Tan_lyons Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck I've added you xx
  • bonyeama19
    bonyeama19 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks. :)
  • Garthweightlosspal
    Garthweightlosspal Posts: 73 Member
    Good luck man, long and tough journey
  • bradandrus76
    bradandrus76 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck man. I started 3 months ago at 315 in about the same boat as you. Eating emotionally and not really caring. I've watched my kids starting to take on unhealthy habits I have and it struck me that I need to take control of my eating and health not just for my sake but for my family's as well. I'm down to 304lbs and already feel much better. 11lbs doesn't sound like much but I've been going to the gym and have taken 2 inches off my waist and added 2 inches to my biceps so I'm guessing the rate of weight loss is slowed by the fact I'm putting on muscle. What it has come down to for me is fighting to get in a routine and not making excuses which was always what stopped me in the past. The gym membership and a trainer that stays in contact has helped greatly. If you get in the routine and have support it gets easier. I'm not far down this new path and I still have stuff to learn but at least I'm headed in the right direction. I wish you the best on your journey as well.
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    I can show you what 225 to 186 takes and I was 250 at one point. You can do it you have the power!
  • bonyeama19
    bonyeama19 Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck man. I started 3 months ago at 315 in about the same boat as you. Eating emotionally and not really caring. I've watched my kids starting to take on unhealthy habits I have and it struck me that I need to take control of my eating and health not just for my sake but for my family's as well. I'm down to 304lbs and already feel much better. 11lbs doesn't sound like much but I've been going to the gym and have taken 2 inches off my waist and added 2 inches to my biceps so I'm guessing the rate of weight loss is slowed by the fact I'm putting on muscle. What it has come down to for me is fighting to get in a routine and not making excuses which was always what stopped me in the past. The gym membership and a trainer that stays in contact has helped greatly. If you get in the routine and have support it gets easier. I'm not far down this new path and I still have stuff to learn but at least I'm headed in the right direction. I wish you the best on your journey as well.

    Words from a wise man! Thank-you
  • MrsSpitser
    MrsSpitser Posts: 35 Member
    bonyeama19 wrote: »
    Freedom is what I am searching for. I'm looking to finally dump off weight and childhood problems i have ,to finally have freedom over why I am so big. Its emotional overeating.....its me wanting to let go of pain of the world. I sm ready.....day one. Try...go....do it....if you can make it through day one, you can make it through any day.

    I'm a 350 lady trying to get down to 180 pounds as well. I'd love for us to be friends. I face a lot of the same struggles that you do. Maybe we can motivate each other.
  • Panda_brat
    Panda_brat Posts: 291 Member
    It is possible. I went from 335 to below 170. Take it slow and steady. You will have bad days, but just get back on track and keep going.

    You can do it.