Meat withdrawals >_<



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Have you tried any fake meat? A veggie burger or some faux 'chicken' can take the edge off of cravings :)

    I honestly don't understand why fake meat was ever made.

    Why, if you're a vegetarian, would you eat fake meat (don't get me wrong. I myself use the fake meat crumbles on my salads when I don't feel like cooking up hamburger or I don't have any real meat around). It honestly boggles my mind. You gave up meat for a reason. Why would you want to eat something -- fake or otherwise -- that is supposed to taste like the food you don't like?:huh:
  • ShesReady2Live
    No, I could never do that. I did switch from red meat to ground turkey though, it's actually pretty good!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I am going veggie for two reasons: No.1, it's a diet saboteur for me. I just munch and munch and that's the calorie count gone wayyyyyyy over.

    No.2, I just don't think that in this day and age humans NEED to eat meat. There are plenty of other sources of protein, and I we should be past killing things for our food these days.

    Hunting keeps the animal population in check. Look at the deer. If it weren't for hunters the population of deer in some areas would probably overrun the humans that live there. They get so overpopulated in places around my state that people are hired to hunt them to keep the population down.

    I don't agree that we no longer need to eat meat. We still have canine teeth. We have those for a reason. I don't eat a lot of red meat but when I have gone a long time without I do crave it and trust me. A tofu patty ain't going to cut it.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    I honestly don't understand why fake meat was ever made.

    Why, if you're a vegetarian, would you eat fake meat (don't get me wrong. I myself use the fake meat crumbles on my salads when I don't feel like cooking up hamburger or I don't have any real meat around). It honestly boggles my mind. You gave up meat for a reason. Why would you want to eat something -- fake or otherwise -- that is supposed to taste like the food you don't like?:huh:

    Fanned and favorited. I have no issue with anyone who chooses a vegetarian lifestyle, but this has never made sense to me.
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    I honestly don't understand why fake meat was ever made.

    Why, if you're a vegetarian, would you eat fake meat (don't get me wrong. I myself use the fake meat crumbles on my salads when I don't feel like cooking up hamburger or I don't have any real meat around). It honestly boggles my mind. You gave up meat for a reason. Why would you want to eat something -- fake or otherwise -- that is supposed to taste like the food you don't like?:huh:

    Fanned and favorited. I have no issue with anyone who chooses a vegetarian lifestyle, but this has never made sense to me.

    How does it not make sense? Fake meat products have almost as much protein as regular meat products. Just because a person is a vegetarian, doesn't mean they don't like meat. They may just choose not to eat it. So, when I want to make chicken parmesan, or a grilled chicken salad, or beef quesadillas, I'm going to use fake meat so I can get my protein. Is organic real meat better than processed fake meat? Probably. Is that going to affect me enough to want to change back? Nope.
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    I have to agree, to each their own. People have all different reasons for not eating meat. Personally I love meat but I have a hard time eating anything too heavy like roasts or steaks or anything like that, can't digest it well so I stay away and tend to eat alot of fish and chicken instead. But I can sure enjoy a thick juicy burger! Ah, but the grease... for it to taste right... so it's something I hardly ever have.
  • jstika
    jstika Posts: 18 Member
    I am going veggie for two reasons: No.1, it's a diet saboteur for me. I just munch and munch and that's the calorie count gone wayyyyyyy over.

    No.2, I just don't think that in this day and age humans NEED to eat meat. There are plenty of other sources of protein, and I we should be past killing things for our food these days.

    Hunting keeps the animal population in check. Look at the deer. If it weren't for hunters the population of deer in some areas would probably overrun the humans that live there. They get so overpopulated in places around my state that people are hired to hunt them to keep the population down.

    I don't agree that we no longer need to eat meat. We still have canine teeth. We have those for a reason. I don't eat a lot of red meat but when I have gone a long time without I do crave it and trust me. A tofu patty ain't going to cut it.
    It's okay to hunt animals for population control but people think it's f*cked that China has a one child rule? Weird logic...

    Oh and yay factory farming! <eyes rolling>
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP, I just.... :laugh: :laugh:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I had the same issue once. Then my husband came back from his business trip.

    I love you.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Eat mushrooms.
    Buy some giant ones and slice into large flat pieces, stir fry in a little light olive oil with a little grated onion. Have it with your usual veg.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    I am going veggie for two reasons: No.1, it's a diet saboteur for me. I just munch and munch and that's the calorie count gone wayyyyyyy over.

    No.2, I just don't think that in this day and age humans NEED to eat meat. There are plenty of other sources of protein, and I we should be past killing things for our food these days.

    You probably will want to be taking iron supplements then. You have to eat a WHOLE LOT of vegetation to get your daily allowance. SO much that you probably wouldn't be able to gag it all back:/
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    I am having meat withdrawals I have been eating only carbs because I have no choice. I can't wait to go back to school where they cook meat for us... too poor to buy protein :sad: