Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?

Today is my first Monday on here!
I'd love to make friends so we can support one another in our goals, and through challenges we might encounter!

I'm the Goat, and i'll be 26 on Memorial Day. I have no children, but I have 23 goats, 2 sheep, 3 hogs, 9 cats, 3 dogs, 8 rabbits, 68 chickens, and 16 ducks. So basically, I live with a bunch of toddlers who don't speak English and occasionally poop where they're supposed to.

At one point, prior to my descent into madness (aka when I decided to start farming) I was a powerlifter with a 300+lb deadlift (pretty impressive, since I only weighed 110 at the time). However, between managing my business, helping my husband start his business, and well...life...I kind of stopped working out. I didn't balloon up but I did manage to snag 23lbs that are really not welcome here. (I'll make a donation if anyone wants my chub).

Well, things have settled here. Kidding season is over for the year, all of the babies are old enough that I don't constantly worry about them. We're building a hog barn, hatching chicks and ducklings every few weeks, and waiting on the rabbits to start having litters so things are pretty mellow now.

I have 23-25lbs to lose, and I have weightlifting goals I'd like to hit again.

If you are considering adding me as a friend, here are some important things you might take into account:
I'm a college dropout (graphic design and animation).
I live in a tiny town in East Texas.
I am a vegetarian.
I am painfully sarcastic.
I have a Mohawk.
I will periodically update with photos of baby animals (we are expecting piglets in early August, so be sure to save your front row seat!)
I make yarn, knit, and crochet.
I'm very happily married to my high school sweetheart, but I don't turn down male friends (because I really get along with men better than women. I'm not a girly girl at all. See: Mohawk)
My first goal is to log in here every day for 30 solid days.
My day job includes poop, feathers, hay, cud, molasses, and a large amount of profanity.
My evening and night jobs include the above plus mosquitoes and flashlights.
I hunt, drive a big truck, cook, and play in the mud-but I also play classical piano and study veterinary medicine.

If you think you could befriend a stinky Goat, send me a message! I look forward to meeting you!


  • manorton82
    manorton82 Posts: 17 Member
    I would have guessed a small town in South east Texas, I am originally from Huntington, and Farm in West Texas now.