1200 Calorie diet goals

I am following a 1200 calorie diet
My daily nutrition goals are:
Carbs 150 g 50%
Fat 33 g 25%
Protein 75 g 25%

Am I where I'm supposed to be percentage wise?


  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    The MFP has compiled your percentages for 1200. You should be able to view it
  • meldan111
    meldan111 Posts: 15 Member
    Some how MFP did an upgrade and did away with that feature.
  • quatermore
    quatermore Posts: 96 Member
    You click My Home>Goals>Daily Nutrition Goals select Edit. Here you can change those percentages to anything you want.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I would increase your protein, since MFP always under-shoots on protein. The 40p/40c/20f macros work great for lots of people.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    First find out if you have the right calorie goal. How much do you have to lose and what rate (pounds per week) have you set out for? Remember that you're supposed to eat back some of your exercise calories.

    Your personal need for protein and fat stays almost the same no matter what you weigh and how active you are. Carby foods can provide lots of nutrients, but as you're looking to lose weight, and your allowance is low, you have to be strict with your calories, and carbs are the first to go. Your fat intake looks quite low. So I would recommend increasing fats on expense of some of the carbs - maybe
    Carbs 90 g - 30%
    Fat 60 g - 45%
    Protein 75 g - 25%

    But the most important thing is that you can stick to the right amount of calories. Do you find that your current diet is tasty and practical? Do you feel satisfied and energetic? Are you losing weight at the expected rate? In that case - you're doing fine, and don't mess with it.