Support needed please :)

Hi everyone
I'm going to start using the app to loose weight! I've got a holiday booked for my year how much weight could I realistically loose??? Might use abit of slimming world along side as well! I'm a size 20/18 in clothes now and I'll be happy getting into 12/14 tbh! But I've got large bottom half of my body will that go in time with weight loss or shall I exercise? I have kettle bells rowing machine and a treadmill?
Sorry for going on hAha I just want to make sure this is a lifestyle change not a diet xxx


  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member
    Feel free to add me for support! :)

    What approach are you taking to weight loss? Calorie counting, keto, LCHF etc.? That will make it easier for you to find friends to support in your journey and offer advice.

    Generally you shouldn't aim to lose more than 1-2 pounds a week on average, it's also important to remember that weight loss isn't a guarantee every week. In terms of exercise, I would personally say find something that you really enjoy doing. That makes it so much easier to get motivated!

    Good luck with everything!
  • Noot30
    Noot30 Posts: 54 Member
    Start with small changes. Anything too drastic will mean you're probably less likely to stick to it. With diet MFP will say the calories you should aim for.

    I would suggest adding in exercise to help tone.. Would you join a gym for more access to weights? Or there are programs that look at just bodyweight exercises that you can do at home..

    Good luck!