I'm back :)

Hi everyone
I'm Becky I live in the UK I'm a size 20/18 and want to get down a few sizes! So going to use the app and slimming world together from home. I've got a holiday next year so that's my goal to loose weight! I've always struggled with the bottom half of my body it's pretty large so will it get smaller in time with weight loss or shall I exercise? Only got treadmill rowing machine and kettlebells!
Please feel free to add me :)


  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I am pretty bottom heavy by nature, an extreme pear.
    I lost lots from my bottom (see profile pics) just loosing weight. I also incorporated excersise (walking cycling) but mainly for toning and the psychological help it gave me; "I was 'doing' something about my legs"feeling, Plus it makes me feel happier, which was the best bonus ever.
    Excersise does not help in the bottom reduction itself - your body decides for itself where it will loose, toning you can do do, but really it is the weightloss that helps the most