As the scale goes down, real life friends walk



  • Konigboy
    Konigboy Posts: 86 Member
    Oh yes, you find out who your real friends are. Envy brings out the worst in people. It especially hurts when it's family or "church people". It's a reality of the situation. You find new friends and learn to pick them a little more wisely next time, let them be vetted out under a test of fire, as the fire naturally will happen in life. It's also difficult when it's back stabbing at work, always gotta watch your back. Sad but true. So you focus on the good people and positive energy to balance that out.

    I hate to say it, but the church ones are the worst. Lol. I live in a very religious area. A church on every corner, as they fight amongst themselves and start a new one. Lol. I think if I wasn't self employed, it would be easier to meet people. At least I don't have the employee back stabbing problem. Lol
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I have dealt with that... Now that I'm at goal, former acquaintances will avoid me or avoid having eye contact with me. I've had neighbors say that they would do anything to look like me, yet when I tell them what it takes they don't want to commit. And yep, my closest group of friends have walked away because 1) They say I get the attention (I'm the only married one in the group); and 2) I don't party/eat/drink like I used to.

    I have found new friends that care about who I am, not WHAT I am.