What can you eat when you completely hate veggies?

I've never been a veggie or fruit person...ever. I'm trying to lose baby weight now and I can't seem to find anything that I can eat for meals or snack on. Any tips?


  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited May 2016
    Could you learn to like vegetables and fruit? Or at least tolerate them a little. Maybe broker a peace treaty there?

    Short of that, you could just eat a lot of meat, fish and dairy, I guess. Go keto.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    What don't you like about the veggies? If it were the veggies my mom served while I was growing get up, I would hate them too. Canned veggies. All the time. (Except for carrots, celery, potatoes, and onions). Canned veggies, except for corn, are disgusting. I thought I died and went to heaven when I discovered properly prepared frozen veggies! Is there ANY fruit you like at all??? And I thought everyone liked baby carrots and celery. :(
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,145 Member
    I always thought I didn't like veggies either because my mother cooked canned veggies to mush for dinner. I always thought I was just a meat and potatoes girl because my mother's vegetables were horrible and bland.

    But I realized there are way better ways to eat veggies. I actually like many of them raw instead of cooked. Also, I love steamed vegetables. Agree that mixing them into things like stews, chili, casseroles, stir fries, etc. can help. Do I love every vegetable? NO! But I found some that I like and stick with them. I'm also more open now of trying new ones prepared in different ways. A little sample never killed anyone, and I might stumble on something new that I like.

    Same goes for fruit...keep trying different things - I love citrus and berries. Not a fan of pitted fruits or melons other than watermelon. I only like super sour apples like granny smith ones, and just can't eat apples if they are mealy and mushy. I only like bananas if they are firm and not mushy - figured out it was a texture thing, which may have been part of the problem with my mother's vegetables. Don't wholesale dismiss all fruit until you've tried everything out there. It may take a while to find some fruit that you do like, but once you do, stick with those.

    Also, realize as you get older, your tastes will change, so don't give up. Something that you hated in your teens and twenties might be something you love when you get in your thirties and forties. Keep trying!
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    Try some raw veggies with a low fat sour cream or yogurt based dip. Cook them with herbs and seasoning. Roasted veggies are delicious--carrots, sweet potatoes, squash. Try new foods and you'll be surprised how your tastebuds will end up changing! I can't imagine trying to lose weight without a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in my fridge. Best wishes!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2016
    What have you been eating all your life? Life with no fruits and veggies?

    You just can't substitute other foods for fruits and veggies. They are what they are. So I would either leave off the fruits and veggies or learn to cook them and prepare them. Even learn how to hide them in certain meals like casseroles, sauces, crockpot meals, chills.

    There are still things I hate and just don't eat them. I hate figs, dates, kale, spinich (except artichoke and spinach dip??), cucumbers and more! So I just don't eat them. But I still love a host of other things. Perhaps there are few out there you do like you just don;t know it yet!

    If you want to like them but can't just leave them off. Hopefully you do not hate beans and berries too, otherwise chili is out. And mexican food without refried beans should be against the law! Strawberry short cake would just be called "short cake" and that does not sound right at all!
  • bogwoppt1
    bogwoppt1 Posts: 159 Member
    Now you have a baby to nourish you really should give fruit and veg another try. Unless you want your baby to grow up with inadequate nutrition and a loathing of healthy food.

    Maybe start with veggies and dip, veggies in pasta sauces. Fruit is much easier to eat really.

    I hate some veg, but there are so many to choose from it is easy to avoid the few that make me gag. Carrots are disgusting. Ha!
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    "Stealth Health" by Evelyn Tribole has a lot of tips for "hiding" veggies and fruits in your recipes. (this has no relationship to the Montel Williams website of the same name)

  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    Veggies + olive oil + salt and pepper + oven = absolute heaven.

    It blows my mind that people live their lives without loving fruits and vegetables :(. I eat both every single day.

    300g fresh local asparagus, with 2 tsp olive oil and salt and pepper, baked at 400*F for 25 minutes is our new go-to.

    One thing I love that is less health conscious is diced potatoes, brussels sprouts, carrots, onions, broccoli - smothered in olive oil and slow baked until everything is tender and golden. My boyfriend never knew he liked brussels sprouts until he tries them baked.
  • TashiBlue
    TashiBlue Posts: 86 Member
    Its all trial and error really Autumn as many have said before most 'hate' comes from not preparing the veg and fruit correctly. Also try new things as and when you can, maybe settle for adding a new item into a recipe first?

    I have never been one to eat veg, fruit however I would try anything. Now I am learning to appreciate veg. Yes some I try are awful and I vow never to eat them again but some things have surprised me. It seems like my palette has changed, like mushrooms, tomatoes and rocket. I still have my favourites that I will grab first (raw spinach) but I am trying to re educate myself.

    As you baby grows and starts to wean maybe its something you can do together?
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Saying you hate fruit and veggies just doesn't make sense to me.

    On par with saying you don't like seafood.

    There are countless flavours, textures, smells, colours in the fruit and veggie group.

    Try different things, cooked in different ways, different sauces or dips.

    Me, I hate watermelon, I don't like the texture, same reason I dislike pavlova, but watermelon has next to no similarity to a banana.
  • shaz331
    shaz331 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    i must admit i also have a love/hate relationship with veggies - i'd never make a good vegetarian! - but put them in a stirfry all covered in sauce or eat them on a roast dinner all covered in mint sauce ... and they're fine. hubby also grounds up frozen mixed veg and hides them in a spag bol..... nothing saying you cant disguise the taste :-)
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited May 2016
    I like a Sicilian caponata with fennel (Sicilian version of ratatouille); it's great at room temperature or cold, so I'll make a pot and take some to work with me every day. The recipe I use is similar to this one:

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I've never been a veggie or fruit person...ever. I'm trying to lose baby weight now and I can't seem to find anything that I can eat for meals or snack on. Any tips?

    Whatever you already like to eat, just less of it than you were eating before.


    You don't put any context around your vegetable and fruit hate so I can't help you there. Is it a texture thing? Are there some you like better than others? You can still lose weight on a McDonald's and Twinkies diet; just watch your portions.

    To get what you have been missing from your vegetables and fruit, take a pregnancy multivitamin daily. It wouldn't hurt to take some benefibre in your tea either.