Need friends to keep me motivated and on track.

Hi, I'm Greta. I just started an exercise and weight loss program. I'm looking for friends to chat with and keep me motivated. If you live close to me, perhaps a walking partner? I am very out of shape and I want to change that. My first goal is to lose 40 lbs. I would also help in motivating you. Thank you.


  • CharleneD80
    CharleneD80 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello I don't know where u live , I'm new to this app and looking to lose 20 lbs or so , looking for a few motivating friends myself ..
    I'm doing a weight loss challenge at work so that's been a bit of help having to step on the scale every Monday morning lol - until the end of June .. But the past few weeks have been eye opening and I love it , I've never really done the whole "diet " thing but it's not too bad
  • hhof
    hhof Posts: 26 Member
    I don't go out walking or team up with people to walk and exercise, but I do enjoy cyber friendship! My hubby and I only get one day off together so I like to be home when he is. I work out at the gym, mostly treadmill, weight resistance machines and a water aerobics class. When I started MFP, I wanted to lose about 45 to 50 lbs, that was my first goal, if I made that then I would see where I wanted to go from there. I just hit 40 lbs last week! I have a lot of good ideas, I enjoy reading about others success and sharing my own, so if you would like to be MFP friends...I'd like to too.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Motivation comes and goes. Dedication is what bridges the gap. Pain is the glue of transformation. Just be relentless with effort and the outcome will be a positive one.