Round Three!

Ice_Arrows Posts: 46 Member
So back for the third try now. Sticking to it this time no matter what happens or comes up.
Guess I should say a bit about myself here, it is an intro after all =p

Struggled with weight for my entire life, trying to get back down to 160 and see what happens from there. It's going to be an interesting ride this time, budget is tight enough and will only get tighter come June. Seems everyone in my province is being taxed just for living here.... not to mention it's an island and food costs will only go up one they put tax on top of the tax already on gas prices =(
May eat some crap and pre packaged/processed things and am also using the site to track everything when having to resort to it for a meal a day.

If anyone else is in NL and can share some cheap recipes it would be great! Going to be experimenting myself and see what I can come up with without breaking the bank =p

So hi I guess? I'll be round to be annoying from time to time or to share new food creations or recipe finds. Love food a little too much.