Best Core Workouts

Hey, all! It's come time for me to start blasting belly fat and doing some high-intensity core workouts that can be done at home. What are the best core workouts in your opinion(s)? I wanna try them all! Thanks!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,210 Member
    Google "spot reduction myth". :+1:
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with the above quote just not the delivery. Not very helpful... While you cannot spot reduce fat you can still build a great core which will help posture and pull in those muscles. HIIT focuses on full body and will help blast fat but be advised that the fat will come off where ever it wants to. You must also figure out if you are battling belly fat or visceral fat. Visceral fat is harder to get rid of and may require a trip to a nutritionist.

    And now to answer your question, I love Jillian Michael's workout videos. You only need 30 mins tops and you can see the results. Best of luck!