Feeling Discouraged. Hate the gym. Help!



  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    My first workout with a trainer I cried and threw up. I went back for more. And threw up again, but waited until I left to cry. It took me a long while to "enjoy" it, but it does get easier. I keep going for a few reasons - DUH, I want to lose weight, improve my health and look better in whatever I choose to wear (key word there is CHOOSE, I now have choices where as at 240 lbs. I had no choice). Confidence is huge, and that only comes with doing. Find 2 machines you know how to use, and do 3 sets of 12-15 reps on each, then do a 25 minute cardio session. Next time do those 2 machines and add one. Do 30 minutes of cardio. Watch someone else to see how they set up a weight machine you like (or aren't terrified of). Ask a gym employee. Love it? You may never find that. After 10 years of my gym there are still machines I only use if I'm forced to and I still want to puke now and then. But I also love how I feel after I've left 16 oz of sweat and tears on the gym floor (and wiped them up because I'm a courteous gym rat.)

    But, there is no feeling better than being just a little better than you were yesterday. Looking just a tiny bit better in those jeans, or getting one inch closer to zipping up your fantasy jeans (the ones in your closet you dream of wearing without pain and embarassment.) That comes with pain.

    I don't LOVE the gym. But I'm liking myself after many years of self-hatred. And remember, the gym is a melting pot. There is always someone in better shape/looks better than you, but there is always someone more clueless, less fit and looks worse than you do! Focus on what you can do, and try to push through it when you hate it. It will be easier the next time. And when you are the one in the "better" category, there's your reward.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I've had gym memberships that I haven't used before, the guilt of wasting the money was just as bad as the guilt of not exercising. I'm using my membership now, and I'm really loving it. How I learned to love the gym again:

    Make appointments with yourself for exercise, exercise should be your priority. I STILL get that feeling before I workout of "Oh god the gym is such a chore I don't want to go", but then I go and I feel GREAT. I put the classes I want to attend at the gym in my GCal/iPhone as recurring appointments. Don't go overboard at first though, if you can get to the gym twice a week you're still doing something positive for your body. Do the classes you enjoy. Mix it up with cardio, classes, weights, so you don't get bored.

    Think of the gym as "you" time, as self care. Make playlists of music that inspires you to move. Or download audio books or podcasts to listen to so you don't get bored as you exercise. You're then fitting in exercise and education or entertainment at the same time.

    Focus on increasing your cardio fitness. High Intensity Interval Training is great and will increase your fitness dramatically, and quickly. This is a great background on why it's so good for you, and why you don't actually need to spend hours doing boring cardio. http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2012/11/30/exercise-anti-aging-impacts.aspx. Jump on the elliptical/cross trainer for 10 minutes, set it to intervals and push yourself. I also jump on the stair machine because it's really difficult but great for your heart AND your butt and thighs. This all gets easier fairly quickly, and your endurance increases. Find the machine that you like, e.g. I hate the bikes and the treadmill but I love the elliptical trainer. Rowing can be really great too.

    Make an appointment with one of the trainers at the gym and talk to them about your fitness, health and weight goals. Ask them to write you a simple program for lifting weights on your own, that is designed around any physical limitations you might have (e.g. mine is my neck, so I made the trainer aware of that). Start simple, and with smaller weights and more reps. When this gets boring, or too easy, increase the amount you are lifting, or ask the trainer to write you a more challenging program. Weight lifting is so empowering, I am really pleased with how strong I am now. After 9 months or so of regular weight lifting, the changes in my body are a reward in itself.

    There's also a free app called "Nike Training" that gives you workouts based on your fitness level, how much time you have, what you'd like to target. You can do that at home or at the gym, utilising the equipment they have.

    Good luck! The gym does get more enjoyable, but find what works for you. Or as others have said, focus on fitness outdoors instead, like hiking or swimming. Maybe you'd like dance or martial arts. I think about all movement as a way to honour my body. When I go to the gym or go on a long walk, I'm investing in my health now and in the future, including my flexibility and strength (which are really important as we age).
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Gym isn't much of an option for me; I live in a somewhat isolated town. We have a gym but the equipment is pretty old and the price is very high. I've loved hiking for years, so I started with that and regular walks. love my yoga class through the town rec department and recently moved from beginner to intermediate.

    I bought exercise bands that come with a dvd that I can use at home, and i have a few aerobics dvds plus some light weights. I started out with Leslie Sansone's Ultimate 5-day Walk Plan. Started out a couple of months ago barely able to drag myself through a single mile. Now I do 3 to 5 most days--for all of how easy it sounds, if I really put myself into the moves, my heart rate goes up quite nicely--and recently bought three more dvds, tougher ones. Not easy for me but I do what I can and know I'll build up. price of all this is less than a month at the gym, and my husband started doing it with me. Bonus points! The PT I had for a little while taught me some very good muscle-building moves, as good as using gym machines, so I do those.

    Maybe some of this would work for you. People don't generally stick with things they hate for years, so it's worthwhile to find the exercises that you do like. My next hope is to find a pool workout class that isn't during work hours!
  • HDStretchman
    Maybe you should check Craigslist and build a gym at home? That's what I am in the process of doing right now. I alrady have a multi station weight machine, and am working on getting dum bells and then eventually a cage so I can bench/squat safely.

    Results in the gym, have to come from the inside. The only person you are competing with is you yourself. Some people love cardio. Me, I hate it, unless it's on a bike. Then I can ride all day. But that's just me. Others like the treadmill, or the stepper, or dance, or whatever. Find the things you like to do, and do them religiously.

    I'm becoming addicted to iron. It seems like everything in my schedule is about working around my workout time.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    First thing you have to realize is this. Most people that goto the gym only care about doing there set and getting out. So don't even feel nervous they won't care. Treat it like a job like they do. Just go 5 days a week like it not. When you start going more and more you go less Discouraged you'll be.

    Try to vary what you do. Do a class 1 day, Cardio another, and some machines or free weights the next. Make it interesting. Goto youTube and look at some video's for idea's for exercises to try. Get a in a groove and just roll with it. After a month or 2 mix it up.
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    I have a gym membership and hate it. I go sometimes but I'd rather work out at home. There are many home DVDs that are just as good and I like doing them in the privacy of my own room.

    Don't need a gym, in my opinion... Just a few feet of space and some determination. Easier said than typed, I know. :-/
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Try different things for at least a week or two at a time. Discard what you dislike and do what you enjoy. Any exercise that's worthwhile is going to be very hard in the beginning of course. If it were easy then you're probably not accomplishing anything. Use the difficulty as a feeling of accomplishment and work to improve yourself. Your self confidence will skyrocket once you get the hang of it. It sucks for everyone at the start. Everyone.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Wait...Do you think that everyone who goes to the gym regularly enjoys doing it? There's your problem right there.

    I personally hate the gym 90% of the time. But it's called "sucking it up" and "getting over myself". I force myself to go, because my discomfort at the gym no longer outweighs my dislike of my fat, saggy *kitten*.

    The good news is, once you get used to it and get more comfortable being there, you'll start to to dislike it less and less.

    ETA: Legitimately not trying to be rude. Just keeping it real. Oh well if that offends any delicate constitutions.
    I liked your post... can't explain why but it enlightened me somehow ... I don't hate the gym but I know I limit myself a great deal out of fear I won't succeed. I do the things I know I can do and find I don't push myself to try out other classes like I want too. I think the problem maybe I'm too comfy and in a rut, unsure how to get out and maybe a bit afraid of trying something new in case I'm not perfect at it.

    That's right... a perfectionist... hate it! It traps me so many times.. I do a lot of water classes, they feel awesome and my body has changed a lot because of them. I also do strength training, not free weights yet though.. afraid to try those for no other reason than I don't know how. Plan to have someone show me though...soon :)

    I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated and hate the gym...a lot of various ideas have been shared that might help you make a change that is a better fit.

    I think a lot of it is getting comfy with ppl you meet there in a class etc., running into the same ppl and knowing they got out of bed to go perhaps not wanting to either. That helps me when I go to very early classes... I think of others getting up for the class and it helps me throw clothes on, grab my bag and head out. Definitely a great motivator when morning comes too early.
  • salt160
    salt160 Posts: 44
    Going to the gym can be a pain. Someone mentioned trying classes outside a gym atmosphere. i would wholeheartedly agree with this.

    I find cycling to be fun and i get the best cardio workout.
    I used to do a martial arts class. That was really fun. I learned a lot, and it was anything but boring, and I got in the best shape I had been in since the Marine Corps.

    Point is there are many things you can do; running, cycling, walking, yoga, martial arts...etc, etc. Just find what floats your boat!
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm learning to love the gym. I'm taking several different classes. Take a class with no expectations. I tried Pilates, and I can't do much yet because I have no core strength yet. I'll try that again in a few months. I LOVE Zumba, but each instructor is different (as with most classes). We have four different instructors, so I'm only going to the classes where I like the instructor. I'm also in a basic Fit class that is designed for seniors and beginners. I seriously love this class and I do this twice a week. In the meantime, I ride a bike with a video screen that tracks my mileage and time. I committed to riding 75 miles in July. And bring along some music to keep you motivated if you're doing strength training or cardio outside of a class.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    I suggest finding a gym you like. I LOVE my gym, and here is why: It has a workout room just for women with machines in it that are easy to figure out. I can hide away in there with my MP3 player and do my own thing without thinking that I'm being watched by the fitness buffs. My gym also has a cardio movie theater. I can jump on an elliptical, bike, or treadmill in a DARK room and watch a movie on the large screen, and I know that no one can see me or is watching me because they, too, are watching the movie. I also like the salt water pool and know that if I go in the afternoon after the classes are done, there will likely only be 2 or 3 other people in there.

    You have to find something you enjoy in an environment that you feel comfortable in. It was very difficult to walk into a gym 120 pounds over weight, but I did, and now, 63 pounds later, I am thankful that I did!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'll probably switch eventually.
    I joined a small women's only gym. I like the atmosphere, but there aren't enough weights, and no pool.

    Now they've built two gyms near me with more stuff for the money. I like my women only gym, but hell these new ones are much closer to me. And pool.

    I'll have to keep going until my contract ends though.
  • kellzi89
    kellzi89 Posts: 65 Member
    Everyone can get discouraged at times but you need to think about why your doing this, whether it be to look hot naked or just to look good in that dress remember why you are doing this and why you will be disappointed if you give up!

    I have had gym memberships and wasted them! I now have joined another gym and I go 5-6 Days a week. Why is this time different?? It really helps if you feel comfortable in the gym with the people and the people you go with. I use to go with a friend but she was/is so negative that I didn't want to go to the gym because I didn't want to listen to her dramas. I now go with another friend and we talk the entire workout and it is great.

    If you really are hating the gym that much maybe take up a dance class a few people have mentioned zumba. Or even just find a dance studio that does a type of dance your interested in hip hop, burlesque or tap. If your liking Yoga maybe try pilates some work mates tell me it is like yoga but more of a workout.

    Working out can be fun you just have to workout what you enjoy.