Hello. :-)

dixpixie Posts: 3 Member
Hello everyone. I have just started myfitnesspal in a serious attempt to loose years of weight and become as healthy as I used to be, if not more! :-) I have tried this on my own without success and have realized that, being a very social person already, I would fare better with a group of people who encourage me and I can likewise encourage. :D I'm so ready to get started! :D


  • forbecca2016
    forbecca2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Best of luck to you. I just started out as well (about 2 weeks into it) and it was the best thing I've ever done getting going on this. Hope you find the same results!
  • shawnaleigh210
    shawnaleigh210 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me if you'd like. Having friends on here has made all the difference for me! It helps so much to have a great support system. I love encouraging all of my fitness buddies! ;)
  • SorryNameTaken
    SorryNameTaken Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey!! I agree. I find having friends on here helps keep me accountable. It makes me want to stick with my plan and my goals. Good luck! You've got this!