New to MFP. 28 stay at home MOM from upstate NY



  • Mandy290
    Mandy290 Posts: 15 Member
    That is awesome that the weight is falling off easier than you though. My step father has COPD, asthma, and is diabetic as well. He was over weight by more than 100 pounds. He decided one day to watch what he eats. Hardly did any exercise. As just walking up three steps completely winds him. He lost about 90 pounds within 10 months. Its amazing that just picking the right foods will help all in itself. Congrats on your weight loss and hope you continue to lose.
  • Mandy290
    Mandy290 Posts: 15 Member
    That is awesome that the weight is falling off easier than you though. My step father has COPD, asthma, and is diabetic as well. He was over weight by more than 100 pounds. He decided one day to watch what he eats. Hardly did any exercise. As just walking up three steps completely winds him. He lost about 90 pounds within 10 months. Its amazing that just picking the right foods will help all in itself. Congrats on your weight loss and hope you continue to lose.
    I am 53 and stay home as well. Household chores DO in fact serve as exercise if you don'.t normally do them as a part of your daily activity but for a stay at home mom you are correct. As a stay at home Disabled US Army (Infantry) Veteran Grandfather I have to exercise within my limited ability which includes walking only. All other types of exercise have been shot down by doctors as well as reality so I find myself doing excessive walking to further my weight loss program. I was told all I could hope for is 1/4 to 1/2 lbs. per week. Nearing the end of week #14 I have lost 68 lbs. or 4.86 lbs. per week. Friends request sent.