Anyone losing weight on mirena

mrrnrr Posts: 11 Member
Hello just had mirena put in 4 weeks ago was wondering if anyone is having trouble losing since


  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    I wish I could be sure but mine went in 6 weeks post partum. I never lost weight after though and did gain several pounds in the year. It's very possible though since it's a hormonal birth control
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Something tells me that if they weren't losing weight when you posted the first thread, they didn't start less than 30 minutes later. But I could be wrong.
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    I first got onto MFP right after I got my Mirena, and I did just fine. I went from 157 to 138 in just a couple months, and it really helped that I was breastfeeding at the time.

    On a side note, I've stopped recommending Mirena as a viable birth control because, a year and a half after I got it, I had an ectopic pregnancy. That's one of the rare potential side effects, and I happened to have it happen to me. It works well, but when it fails, it fails catastrophically.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    I had Mirena placed in late September after having our third daughter in August, I immediately gained 15lbs but was not watching my intake closely at that time either (I do historically have bad reactions to hormonal BC). Once I decided to start losing weight in February and actually put the work in though I had zero issues and have lost 56lbs to date.

    So while some small weight gain could be Mirena I would gauge any issues with losing against how tightly you're tracking, your deficit, your activity level, etc.
  • lzap27
    lzap27 Posts: 31 Member
    I've had the mirena now for several years and always thought it was the problem in the back of my head. But in reality every time I put the work in - eating right & working out - I lose weight. So who knows?
  • bewickfree
    bewickfree Posts: 23 Member
    I got the mirena last week and am up 4-4 1/2 lbs. already
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    Lost over 100lbs with mirena. YMMV.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    I've had mine for over a year, no problem losing or maintaining. When I gained it was 100% my eating! The minute I tightened up my logging the weight came back off (and we're only talking about 7lbs fluctuation anyway).
  • Antd420
    Antd420 Posts: 161 Member
    mrrnrr wrote: »
    Hello just had mirena put in 4 weeks ago was wondering if anyone is having trouble losing since

    My wife gained about 70 pounds in about 3 years. WTF!!!!
  • RayaQb
    RayaQb Posts: 51 Member
    I've had mine in since 10/2013 and it's the best thing ever!!! I never gained a pound because of the Mirena.
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    I didn't even know they still had Mirena available with all the lawsuits going on! I was going to get one until all that craziness happened. I'd get one if it helped me lose weight!
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    I've had one for a few years now and find that it doesn't seem to affect my weight. My doctor told me that hormonal BC can affect the way your body metabolizes carbs so I need to watch my carbs a bit closer, it really just comes down to eating less (at least for me.)