starting over

I have always been heavy, and food has always been my drug of choice. So its no surprise that after working really hard for about 9 months to loose 65 pounds, that I would hit a spell of depression right before my 40th birthday and downward spiral into a state of a 6 week food coma regaining 30 pounds. In 2001 i topped out at 407 pounds, in June 2015 i was at 350 pounds, in March 2016 I was 286 pounds, and the weight as crept back up with every jelly donuts and other junk i have consumed in the past few weeks. I know how to eat right, I know that I feel better when I am eating right. So why do I do this? Why do I sabotage all my hard work? I am going to try my best this time to make a change in my way of thinking and my relationship to food.