I need help with coffee ...



  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    It's a bit of a change but may do the trick... supermarkets sell flavoured instant coffee sachets which are really tasty and while will never be as nice as the high-calorie cafe-latte, it may tide you over :)
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    OP if you end up brewing your own, I like to put coffee in ice cube trays and use that for iced coffee instead of ice. I can't ever get a brew just right to withstand ice!
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    I take sweetener and cashew milk in an insulated coffee canteen, and then get a black iced coffee from Starbucks or McDonalds or Tim Hortons, and mix. 10 cals per coffee, though not as sweet as a big sugary latte I suppose.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    pebble4321 wrote: »
    I think this needs a bit of a mindshift - I don't know how many calories you would be using for each of those fancy flavoured coffees, but I would stop thinking of it as a drink and starting thinking of it as a treat or dessert rather than a caffeine boost to get you through the day.

    That's what I was thinking. OP isn't describing coffee, in my opinion, she's describing a liquid desert that happens to have caffeine.

    Kids these days.

    Because there's only one way to do things. Right. :yawn:
  • obpyum
    obpyum Posts: 9 Member
    I find that buying GOOD quality flavored coffee really helped me. Go to a Dunkin, Peet's etc and buy the coffee from them and have them grind it fresh when you get it. The taste is so much better than older frozen coffee from the grocery store. I use half and half so I get the richness I crave. Good luck from a coffee addict!
  • MalcolmX1983
    MalcolmX1983 Posts: 214 Member
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    pebble4321 wrote: »
    I think this needs a bit of a mindshift - I don't know how many calories you would be using for each of those fancy flavoured coffees, but I would stop thinking of it as a drink and starting thinking of it as a treat or dessert rather than a caffeine boost to get you through the day.

    That's what I was thinking. OP isn't describing coffee, in my opinion, she's describing a liquid desert that happens to have caffeine.

    Kids these days.

    I'm kinda guilty of this as well, I have coffee with my sugar-_-

    Op, I was on 10 cups a day with three spoons of sugar in each.
    I did what another poster mentioned, cut down the coffee to 2 cups a day and use the sugar free syrups to get that sweetness.

    I decided to cut down cause of my teeth, my dentist wasn't too pleased with me this time around.
    I like keeping her happy.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2016
    Invest in many flavors of Skinny Syrup. 0 calories. I can change up flavors to vaniila, salted caramel, reg caramel, etc.. I use 1/2 regular coffee and 1/2 Teceenio (herb coffee).

    Add sugar free creamer if you want creaminess or perhaps skim or 2% milk. I use truvia.

    Or I just do the coffee black.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    I drink flavored coffees. Right now, I'm loving Caramel Macchioto by the 8 o'clock brand. I add some Caramel Macchioto by International Delight, sweeten it with Splenda, and I am one happy child. Start experimenting with some of the flavored coffees and creamers. I don't like regular coffee, but they are heavenly. Another one of my favorites is Cinnamon Hazelnut with the Kroger Cinnamon flavored creamer. Delish!
  • tommytorpedo
    tommytorpedo Posts: 53 Member
    I like it sweet with sugar and cream, but am staying away from added sugar. Realistically, Coffee is just a kick start to get me going in the morning. It's a drug. I buy the best and strongest that I can afford and drink it black. If I need a treat I have some Chocolate, Peanut Butter ice cream.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    pebble4321 wrote: »
    I think this needs a bit of a mindshift - I don't know how many calories you would be using for each of those fancy flavoured coffees, but I would stop thinking of it as a drink and starting thinking of it as a treat or dessert rather than a caffeine boost to get you through the day.

    That's what I was thinking. OP isn't describing coffee, in my opinion, she's describing a liquid desert that happens to have caffeine.

    Kids these days.

    ITA! I was guilty of using all sorts of flavored creamers, plus a couple spoons of sugar in my coffee. When I realized that a couple of cups that way was nearly as much sugar as a can of pop, I made some changes. No more "creamer", now I use either half and half or heavy cream, and I cut back on the sugar until I was able to eliminate it altogether. The secret is to get good quality coffee, grind your own beans, and use a good coffee maker (French presses are good, I have a Bunn automatic drip that I like... the coffee maker really does make a difference). If you drink good coffee, and actually *like* coffee, you don't need to put a bunch of crap in it. You can get caffeine with a couple of No Doz pills and a glass of water. Then have a milkshake. Which is what a lot if this sounds like.

  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    Has anyone suggested Starbucks Skinny lattes?! Super overpriced, but I got hooked on skinny vanilla lattes during my anorexia phase because Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen loved them and I wanted to be them, or something. They're low calorie and a good on-the-go coffee order. They have a skinny peppermint mocha that's divine, too.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    pebble4321 wrote: »
    I think this needs a bit of a mindshift - I don't know how many calories you would be using for each of those fancy flavoured coffees, but I would stop thinking of it as a drink and starting thinking of it as a treat or dessert rather than a caffeine boost to get you through the day.

    That's what I was thinking. OP isn't describing coffee, in my opinion, she's describing a liquid desert that happens to have caffeine.

    Kids these days.

    How do you figure? A latte is half milk/half coffee and hers happens to be flavored with a shot of caramel syrup. Lattes are not just treats, they're still coffee, just a different ratio than some people drink it.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    edited May 2016
    Coffee is my kryptonite as well. It's taken a long time, but I've got myself down to 1 cup a day. I use k-cups so they vary in flavor but my go-to is Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce (12-16 oz) with 2 tbsp. of International Delight Cold Stone Sweet Cream. Altogether it's 80 calories and you can put that over ice as well! The creamer isn't bad on sugar either.

    1 Cinnamon Dolce K-cup = 10 calories
    2 Tbsp Sweet Cream Creamer = 70 calories

    No need for sugar or any additional sweetener. If that's a problem for you, work your way down. I'm a cold turkey kind of girl, so I didn't 'love' my coffee for a while. Now, if I put additional sweetner in it, I can't even drink one sip. Yuck!
  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    Oh my goodness, I feel you. I LOVE lattes. I think you've had some excellent suggestions so far, but I thought I'd add my own experiences so far.
    I used to drink my coffee with tons of milk, creamer, sugar, I'd just dump everything in. Love my sweet lattes, too. I kind of slowly started making little changes, though. I started ordering my iced lattes without any sugar and grew to love the taste of that. When I made coffee at home, I'd use less creamer and a little more milk. Then I started using no creamer. Then I used lower fat milk (less calories). Then I used less sugar. So on and so forth, and now I drink my coffee with only a little splash of milk- that's it.
    I made changes little by little and slowly changed my tastes. Someone gave me a coffee about a month ago and it was suddenly way too sweet for me! It was crazy to think that I no longer liked really sweet coffee.
    I still love my lattes, but I definitely think of them more as a dessert or treat than the daily caffeine source I have to have.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I like Hot coffee personally, but I have a Keurig and I get Caramel Drizzle coffee pods online and use Unsweetened almond milk. I love it. I know its not sweet, but once you stop using sugar you do taste the actual Coffee and its great, if you get good coffee.
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    I eventually decided that the calories in creamer weren't for me and I'm not a fan of artificial sweetener (taste) so I just switched to black. It was a shock at first but I buy the Folger's Caramel Drizzle or Vanilla Biscotti and its like having a sweetened drink (almost.)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    edited May 2016
    Many coffee shops have skinny options for their flavored lattes. They use sugar free syrup, and 2% milk.

    As someone who went from sweet lattes to Americanos I would suggest you try to wean yourself off of them. I quit cold turkey, and went almost 6 months with no coffee at all. It was rough at first. Then I went to drip with sugar free creamer. My tolerance for sweetness is really low now. I have an Americano with half a shot of sugar free syrup, or one with half and half with Stevia, or with sugar free creamer. Depends on where I am. If I have extra calories I get a regular latte with no syrup.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Mochas. I LOVED mochas. Hot. Cold. Didn't care. Loved them. I'd have them every day. Twice if I had the money.

    This is a life-long quest for health, not an instant fix. I found it easier to ease into something like giving up your favorite coffee drink.

    That was 10 years ago. It's taken that long for me to now survive on 1 (big) black coffee every day. I get mochas maybe once every 3 months now. Never cut back to the point of depriving myself, I just considered alternatives, tried them and found they were acceptable more and more frequently, and gradually cut back on the 350+ drinks. Here's how the progression went.

    Full whip, full sugar mochas - 380 cal
    Full sugar mocha no whip - 300 cal
    Sugar free mochas, no whip - 250 cal
    Latte with skim and sucralose - 150 cal
    Coffee with splash of skim and sucralose - 30 cal
    Coffee with sucralose - <10 cal
    Really expensive coffee, black - <10 cal

    ^^ten years. None of these steps on their own felt like much of a deprivation, because they were incremental. Maybe you can work your way to sugar-free flavored cream to add to good coffee. Those are tasty, and if you read the label, they may save you some calories without sacrificing much flavor. I mean, the full flavor version will ALWAYS be better, but if you can do a trade-in for days here or there, you're ahead of the game.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Also you can buy these little immersion blenders that will froth up your milk or half and half, to make it more like the texture you would get in the shop.