Body Image

There may already be a board about this, but I couldn't find it. Anyone having trouble seeing yourself differently after weight loss? I have lost 30 lbs and I do see that I'm smaller but still see the same issues in the mirror. Just curious :)


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It's very common. We tend to focus on the things that bother us most, and it can be hard to let go. I'm down 90 lbs, and sometimes I love the way I look now, but other days, all I can see is what's left of my belly. It's always been a problem spot for me, so it sticks out in my mind. Progress pictures and mini goals can be a lifesaver. Seeing the results in black and white helps make them real, and achieving goals you have set can be a huge boost. I may not be rid of my belly yet, but I ran a personal best in my 10k last week, so I'm feeling good. Try to focus on the positive. Good luck.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I have the same problems, more magnified. I hate my stomach and my hips and thighs. And all I can console myself with is that it'll take time to see/make the changes that I want, so I have to steel myself against my current disappointment.
  • loosesealbluth
    loosesealbluth Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, yes, YES. If you google "phantom fat" you'll find a few articles talking about the psychological phenomenon of still feeling larger despite losing weight! Looking in the mirror, I still feel like I did 100 lbs heavier. My clothes are getting too baggy to wear, and friends are commenting on my loss, and yet I feel exactly the same. I still navigate the world the way I used to (overestimating the space I need to fit through a space or sit down, for example). When I see photos, the difference is evident (especially looking at old photos). It's frustrating and I hear it can take a long time to shake those feelings. Be patient and persistent!
  • DestinyS29
    DestinyS29 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes... I've been heavy for so many year now that even though people comment, I know I still see myself a lot bigger than others. Sometimes my family will say "how much more weight are you going to lose?" Never really sure how to take that. I'm 5'7" and 190.. I still have plenty of weight to lose still to be down to a healthy weight.

    What I've found and been meaning to ask my fellow mfp'ers about if they do too, is that the more weight I lose, the less I like my body. Don't get me wrong, fully clothed I feel good, great even, feeling and looking much slimmer (I've lost just over 100#s) but getting out of the shower, I cannot get the robe on fast enough and I'm in a room with no mirrors when I get dressed just so I don't have to look at my stomach in particular, but it's all over. Anyone else experience this and if so how do you deal?
  • jkdehoff
    jkdehoff Posts: 6
    Thank you all so much that helps immensely and I will definitely look up the phantom fat! I feel guilty feeling that way after I have made so much progress. People often tell me not to lose anymore weight but when I look in the mirror I see hips and thighs for days! I am also experiencing the lack of confidence naked... more so with bathing suits... I half wonder if maybe it's from seeing how big I was before and wondering why I didn't realize it? Maybe I don't trust my eyes? Maybe when I lose this last 10lbs and tone I'll feel better :)