Time to start maintenance

Just a quick query for you knowledgeable maintainers.

I'm just curious as to when you started to up your calories to maintenance?

I'm looking to have a 5lb maintenance range rather than a single weight goal & I'm now hitting the top end of that range (still 3.5lbs off the bottom value though). Would you advise starting to add more calories now, or to wait until I hit the bottom of my range?

Thanks in advance


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    since there is often trial and error involved in finding your true maintenance calories, I'd probably start adding a little every week/few weeks now. It's not uncommon to continue losing, albeit more slowly, as you add calories toward maintenance, so starting when you're at the top of your desired range makes sense.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I would start slowly adding calories (manually) now - a soft landing to maintenance.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    I'm at the top of my range too. I'm not going to add calories until I reach the middle. But it's because I want to see that number in two weeks not four or five.
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    Good question! I'm at 122 lbs right now and I want my range to be 115-120. I will reach 120 in the next 2 weeks so I'm guessing the best thing is to just eat a little under maintenance until we get to the bottom of our range. The hard part will be figuring out our true maintaince calories. I sure hope trend weight is accurate because that will make things a lot easier to figure out.
  • shed77f
    shed77f Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for replies & good advice. I'm going to try to up my calories gradually (extra 100 per day) and see how I go.

    It's weird but I'm actually more nervous about maintaining than I was about losing. Not sure I know how but at least there's lots of help here!
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Nothing to be nervous about. Maintenance is awesome! LOL! Just don't be surprised if you find that you have to play around for a bit before you find where you'll settle in calorie-wise. And...that in maintenance the scale does still jump around some normally. You'll be fine. Congratulations!!! :smiley: